Blab 5 Stories – Session 5
Blab Session 5 of SaveYour.Town of our Weekly 5 Stories happened tonight – we snuck it in early this week! Next week might be early too – so keep your eyes posted on our Facebook page, we will announce it there. I’m traveling next weekend and it looks like we will be blabbing on Saturday.…
8 Innovative Rural Business Models – Happening Tomorrow!
Wednesday, March 16 at 6 pm Becky McCray and I will host a webinar discussing 8 innovative rural business models. Entrepreneurs are using these smaller scale experiments and tests to learn what works before making a huge investment. That’s tomorrow night, and you can tune in from the comfort of your home while eating…
Save Your Town – Session Four of 5 Stories
Each week Becky McCray and I review 5 stories and make comments about them over at Here are the five links to the stories (italicized comments are mind) and the video is posted below. Small Business Owner Sandy Higgins’ Old-Fashioned (they mean small town) Methods Yield Modern-Day Success Hat tip to Miss Dazey for the…
Sunday Update: Dog
I’m not home enough to have a dog. I like them. They are wonderful pets. But here’s the thing – if you can’t commit to taking care of them, making them a part of your family, and being responsible for them then you shouldn’t have one. I know this, and I travel to much and…
Iowa Blogger Conference – March 19, 2016
Iowa Blogger Conference is 10 days away. It’s not too late to register and attend! It will be held at Iowa Central Community College in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Reasons to attend: 1. It’s a one day educational conference for beginners and intermediate bloggers. You will learn about bloggers and take home a digital tool…
SaveYour.Town: 5 Stories – Session 3
Every Sunday Becky McCray and I share 5 stories found online and comment about them on Here’s what we shared yesterday. How a small town in Kentucky revitalized its struggling Main Street with local food, local business Population 7,300 – 20 new businesses – this is just crazy – it fills my heart. Wall…
Sunday Update: Germs and Oils
Oh boy, working with the public you’re exposed to germs all the time. I thought I might have escaped the cold season this year. However, Wednesday morning I was sitting in my office getting ready to go out of town for Leadership Iowa meetings and I started sneezing and my nose was itching and my…
Eloy, AZ – Part Three
Someone has to be first. It takes a brave person, or group of persons to step up to the plate and say “We’ll go first. We believe in this town. We think our business idea is sound and we want to open a business here.” The first group of folks got together and opened up…
SaveYour.Town 5 Stories Session 2
Sunday afternoons Becky McCray and I, as part of our SaveYour.Town project, are talking about 5 stories found on the internet during the week. Here are the links to the stories we covered this week and the 10 minute video discussion. Agritourism Toolkit – Oregon Tourism Commission Focus on business fundamentals first, then…
Sunday Update: Bones, dem Bones
There’s a history of osteoarthritis in both sides of my family, and gout. Throw in a little rheumatoid arthritis, lots of physical labor, obesity, heart problems and red meat and sugar addictions and the prognosis for a healthy body start to look bleak. Sounds pretty scary doesn’t it? Well, we really do have a say…