Each week Becky McCray and I review 5 stories and make comments about them over at blab.im. Here are the five links to the stories (italicized comments are mind) and the video is posted below.
Small Business Owner Sandy Higgins’ Old-Fashioned (they mean small town) Methods Yield Modern-Day Success http://buff.ly/1LVNZa1 Hat tip to Miss Dazey for the link.
1 million mark this year!
Found a niche that works for her – and is duplicatible
Reporter mocks small town Okotoks. Town responds with award-winning campaign. http://buff.ly/1Xh17XIand gets recognized for partnerships.
Two things: they handled it in a positive way and bravo to the quick pick up on social media to grab the chance to promote it well!
Slowdown on Main Street less than at big retail: http://buff.ly/1QJdxDO JPMC Report (tries to) Make Sense of Mixed Economic Messages
Again – 15 major metropolitan areas – is this an opportunity for rural to promote the value of living in small towns. Lower cost of living, great place to raise families, you can work anywhere now, retire here …
Bathurst business comes up with new ‘shop local’ discount http://buff.ly/1M1E1hW Anyone can do this one! Hat tip to Gregg McLachlan and RuralBig for the link.
What is the slow time in your community? This would require local businesses to work together – and I like that idea a lot.
Your street can be a Transition Street http://buff.ly/1QJCTF6 Really about community building. I love this model: “You do the learning together, one topic per session, and then individuals and their families identify the actions they are able to take in each area.”
I really like this idea. I have 4 neighbors in my small block. I know two of them. This would be a great way to meet my neighbors and make our tiny block a cool place.