
Blab 5 Stories – Session 5

Blab Session 5 of SaveYour.Town of our Weekly 5 Stories happened tonight – we snuck it in early this week!  Next week might be early too – so keep your eyes posted on our Facebook page, we will announce it there.  I’m traveling next weekend and it looks like we will be blabbing on Saturday.  Meanwhile, here’s the top 5 stories from this week!  (My comments are italicized.)

Merging small towns or counties rarely works; history, politics and pride get in the way

This hurts my head.  Logically we know that thinking regionally might be the way to go – think school systems and how that has become more regional.  But we hang on to the old ways, the old government ways and there is abuse there – and seniority is favored over who does the best work.  It creates a ‘why should I work any harder that that guy’ mentality.  Not sure how to fix this if we have to follow the old rules.

11 Retailers Closing the Most Stores in the US

Good news for small town specialty shops – but what are the smaller stores in your town doing to keep up with online shopping?  Are you offering online shopping?

“The 7 Day Makeover helps ordinary people work together to deliver extraordinary places, in just seven days”

I’m making copies of this and giving to our city council members.  I’m also giving it to our team of residents and business owners and artists that are coming together and that want to make a difference.  Here’s a practical guide and a place to get started.

A Mental Trick to Help with Challenging Conversations  Use with the Old Guard or the gossips down at the coffee shop.

Keep it above the water line – remember, don’t take it personally cause it’s never about you, it’s always about them

Have you paid attention to @SmallBusiness lately? Tons of useful small Business Information, Insight and Resources

Small business crawls? Art crawls? You can upload 360 view of your business and post to your google listing?  Oh my – so much fun here!