Six Damn Good Reasons to Come to the 140 Character Conference in Des Moines May 9

1. 42 speakers talking about Ag, Entertainment, Museums, Tech, Tourism, Writing, Education, Politics, Business, Media, Health Care, Retail, Ageism, Mobile Tech and Serendipity. 2. Midwesterners talking to Midwesterners about Midwestern things. 3. Hand chosen sponsors who “get it”. 4. Affordable (only $60 or $10 if you are a student). 5. Fantastic Location! (Stoner Theatre in…

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140ConfDM – Early Birds Flying out the door

The 140 Character Conference is coming to Des Moines on May 9.  Folks, this is a big deal.  It’s an opportunity for Iowa to shine and show off some of our best and brightest.  Early bird ticket prices end March 31st – visit and get yours now.  There are only 200 tickets available –…

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Speakers Announced for 140Conf Des Moines

Have you seen the schedule page at ? We’re starting to list the speakers who are talking at the 140 Character Conference in Des Moines May 9.  There’s still a few spots left – and we’re ready to hear what the technology of NOW has done for you! We’ve got a seed company, a…

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Four More for the 140

Would you want to miss these speakers? 140 Character Conference in Des Moines is May 9.  Here’s just a few of the speakers. Drew McClellan 5 Lessons on Crowd Sourcing a Book Drew will talk about How the 3 Age of Conversation books came to be, the lessons learned and the value of the project.…

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Speaker Sneak Peak

The Des Moines 140 Character Conference is May 9.  I wanted to give you a sneak peek of just a few of our speakers.  (Stay tuned, we’ll feature them all before it’s done!) David Murray For the last 3 years I’ve seen the Midwest take great strides in redefining itself. Having lived in Minnesota, Wisconsin,…

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Another Time Saving Tool from Google

I love my Google Reader. I’m sitting here with tears streaming down my face, because I read this article by Kyle Munson.  Kyle has the enviable job of writing about the stories of Iowa.  I met him when he came to Hampton to do a follow up story about our Band Shell.  I added the…

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You Don’t Have to be Boring

I attend a lot of conferences, meetings, and events.  I see many  presentations.  Most are just okay.  Some are awful.  Once in a blue moon I see spectacular ones. Here’s a few don’ts from a seasoned observer. DON’T ..ever apologize for anything.  We don’t care that you are sorry the projector is not working, or…

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Des Moines 140 Character Conference Needs Speakers

May 9 there’s going to be a 140 Character Conference at the Stoner Theatre in the Civic Center, downtown Des Moines. We need speakers.  Simply go to and find the Speaker Link on the left – fill out the form. What are we looking for in a speaker? The key to being selected to…

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Des Moines Amplified

Debworks is helping planning an event in Des Moines.  My job is reaching out to companies that can be possible sponsors. It sounds pretty easy and it is.  That is if you’re passionate about what you’re doing, don’t mind having a lot of conversations – both IRL and online, and can handle rejection. Companies like…

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140 Conference coming to Iowa

We’re having a 140Conf in Des Moines May 9.  Iowa – we are cutting edge! What is the 140 Character Conference? The 140 Characters Conference at the Stoner Studio Stage in Des Moines Iowa is being co hosted by Jeff Pulver , Deb Brown and Nathan Wright.  Join them May 9 for the first Iowa 140 Character…

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