1. 42 speakers talking about Ag, Entertainment, Museums, Tech, Tourism, Writing, Education, Politics, Business, Media, Health Care, Retail, Ageism, Mobile Tech and Serendipity.
2. Midwesterners talking to Midwesterners about Midwestern things.
3. Hand chosen sponsors who “get it”.
4. Affordable (only $60 or $10 if you are a student).
5. Fantastic Location! (Stoner Theatre in the Civic Center of Des Moines)
6. The opportunity to network and connect with those who can make a real difference to you.
Visit http://desmoines.140conf.com for the line up of Characters, Schedule for the Day, How to get Tickets, Sponsors and Hotels. Follow the Hashtage #140confDM on twitter. Check out the facebook page www.facebook.com/140conf
See you there!
Love this photo. Although I think you probably are surrounded by computers and phones all day.
Thanks Linda – and I am usually surrounded by computers. But that studio was sure pretty cool – and love the green screen!