
Facebook Ideas for Christmas

I believe the statistics are staggering for this time of year. 80-90% of the entire year for a small retail business is earned in the months of November and January. That’s a big deal.  It’s a huge weight to carry around as well. So how can social media make a difference?  Please note I do…

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How are you using your talent?

Today in church the preacher talked about the Parable of the Talents.  Matthew 25:14-30 My interpretation is: The master went away, but before he went he gave one slave 5 talents (in those days, a talent was a monetary unit), 1 slave two talents and 1 slave 1 talent.  The guy with 5 and 2…

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How’s that rural broadband thing coming along?

Let’s clear up a few things first.  What is broadband?  According to What is Broadband? The term broadband commonly refers to high-speed Internet access that is always on and faster than the traditional dial-up access. How is broadband different from dial-up service? Broadband service provides higher-speed of data transmission. It allows more content to…

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Android or Blackberry

I received a Droid Bionic to review.* Quick and dirty review: Loved it.  Figured out the whole touching business (you have to touch it to make it work).  Best feature: speaking into the phone instead of having to type or swipe everything.  Worst feature: battery life. I’m not going to give you all the technical…

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What does passion look like?

We hear a lot of people saying “just pursue your passion.” If you’re like me, you’re not sure what passion looks like. The first thought that comes to mind is all that old romantic stuff — kissing and smooching and carrying on. Yeah – that’s not what we are talking about here. Take a minute…

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Vacation Recap

I think this was the first vacation I took that required no extensive planning.  I flew, went to the beach, drank coffee and rested. The weather was just about perfect, a couple of warm days and then a couple of cool days and nothing lower than 50 degrees.  Lisa and I shopped the Goodwill outlet…

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On Vacation for a Week

Trading Phrases Catalog | Wall Decals | Wall Words (clipped to

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Making History – History Made

It’s weekends like this one that make me happy I volunteer. It was the Making History weekend here in Franklin County.  We had a fundraiser for the Leander Reeve Home: Old Stone House.  Two days out in the country experiencing life like they may have lived it in the 1800’s.  Singing, church service, tours of…

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What Motivates You?

What motivates you?   Most of us have jobs we get up to go to in the morning.  Winter weather is coming, and it’s getting harder to get out of the warm bed.  What thoughts make you get out of bed each day? Some of us have second jobs.  What makes you go to that…

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