I think it’s a good idea to start on goals early. You know, warm up. Get ready for the next year. Be prepared, hit the ground running.
Step One: Look at what I said I wanted to do this year
1. Utilize my skills as a blog writer and teach other people how to use Headway Theme to create excitement and magic around their business.
2. Organize two conferences that bring social media to the Midwest.
3. Build my Melaleuca business to Senior Director Level.
4. Continue to work with my community to make it the best small town to live in
5. Write my book. We Ought To Be Dead. A story of two women’s lives while bartending in Chicago. Cruzanne and I are writing it together.
6. Improve my physical health and well being. Walk more, listen more, eat well, walk the talk baby.
Step Two: Move Undone Items to the new list, or the trash
- Did it. Will continue to do it again.
- Did it. Kinda of. The #140ConfDM went off well, it was a success and we are doing it again April 23, 2012.
- Sucked. Did not build. Still want to.
- Good news here – organized quite a few events, wrote several grants, created new communications – and got paid for some of that!
- Started – and am working on an ebook project that will release several short books (more later).
- What you resist, persists. So my health – I’m working on it. Finding all kinds of things I don’t want to live with. This is definitely being continued.
Step Three: Really Look at the Undone
I’ll be spending time contemplating, writing and reviewing what I did not complete. I’ve realized I say yes way too often. This next year will be the ‘yes to me’ year – which means I’ll be saying no to some other people.
Step Four: What is it I want to do this year?
You guessed it – more info to come before the end of the year – I’m working on it!