Today’s guest blogger is Melanie Mayberry. Mel writes about stewardship, and I believe Thanksgiving is the perfect time to talk about how we are (or are not) stewards.
I would guess nearly everyone sings along to the familiar tune of “pa rum pa pum pum” this time of year. In the lyrics, the singer relates how, as a poor young boy, he was summoned by the Magi to the nativity. Without a gift for the infant Jesus, he played his drum with the Virgin Mary’s approval, remembering “I played my best for Him” and “then He smiled at me.”
What a faith of entrusted talent is illustrated in the words to that simple little song! Stewardship does not mean giving generous gifts from our possessions. Each of us has opportunities and resources at our disposal that others do not have. How often do we remember to make those resources available to others?
True, we have an obligation to provide for ourselves and our families and to maintain a way of life which respects our own dignity. Yet, I sometimes fail to remember that living in the United States has given me opportunities and resources other people will never have.
I read a story about a man talking to a famous violinist about his instrument. The violinist mentioned the violin was over two-hundred years old and worth many thousands of dollars. But the violinist viewed himself as a humble steward of the instrument. He knew many great musicians had played this violin before he was even born; he was also aware that he would not be the last to play this beautiful instrument. He understood that it was just temporarily passing through his hands.
The musician’s outlook on the violin changed my own understanding of the role possessions should have in my life. Changing my thinking is this way has even affected daily and weekly buying decisions. It has helped me put having (or not having) possessions into the proper perspective.
Our faithful management of entrusted treasure is seen in our wise investment for the good of others, in our generosity to others, and in practice of the belief of “this is not my time or treasure, but God’s.”
The little drummer boy got it. And Jesus smiled.