What are your stories?
These silos were built by POW’s from Germany. You can find them in Belmond, Iowa. You know there’s a story there somewhere. Yet, I can’t find it online anywhere. It’s a time to look at what stories of yours are not being told to a larger population. Get these stories in writing, before there’s no…
Begin by Beginning
Start right now. Make an investment in yourself and your business. You can’t move forward if you are still walking in last years steps – spread out and learn something new. If you’re smart (and I think you are) you’ll subscribe to the Tourism Currents Newsletter. Find that link just by clicking right here. It…
State of Now: Shaping Up
The State of Now/140 Character Conference in Des Moines April 23 is taking shape nicely! We still have room for some speakers: http://desmoines2012.140conf.com/call-for-speakers We will have some interesting projects going on throughout the day involving books, food and music. What successful event doesn’t have food, books and music? None we think! It will be a day…
16 Things to Blog About
I often get asked “what should I blog about?” The answer is easier than you think. Everything. What? Yes, everything. If you are blogging as a business owner, the idea is to share not only what it is your business does, but what it is you do. People want to get to know you. They…
Time is Money
How much is your time worth? It’s a question many freelancers (1099ers) are asked. I charge $40 an hour or will negotiate a total project price. WHOA!! Forty bucks! Geez, that’s a lot of money. Well, no – not really. When you consider the amount of experience I have, it’s frankly not enough. However,…
State of Now – Can you speak?
April 23 is the 2nd Annual State of Now Conference in Des Moines. It starts at 8:30 am and goes all day. I’m the organizer and co-host along with Jeff Pulver. There will be speakers that talk in ten minute increments and the day flies by. We’ll talk about agriculture, education, serendipity, business, media, reflections,…
Gypsy Chics
It’s a good idea to refresh your brain and learn new things. Saturday a group of us (gypsy chics) traveled to Randall, Story City and Gilbert to visit various resale shops and have lunch. I took my phone camera and many pictures were taken. I found some marvelous ideas for decorating. If I had my…
Project 52 – Drink Up!
This week on Project 52 we were assigned to take a photo related to Drink Up. I’ve been working through the blog post by Julien Smith and the first assignment involves doing the hardest thing first. I’ve decided that was taking care of my health. One of the steps for that goal is to drink more…
Iowa Tourism
I receive a brief enewsletter from Iowa Tourism. They always send things most people and businesses around the state can use. WINE AND BEER VALENTINE’S DAY PROMOTION The Iowa Tourism Office and the Wine & Beer Promotion Board have launched a Valentine’s Day promotion encouraging travelers to visit Iowa wineries and restaurants. The “Iowa Wine &…
Bar Camp CV
The Cedar Valley had it’s first Bar Camp this weekend. I stumbled across it on facebook. $5 got you a tshirt, 1/2 day of presentations/discussions and lunch. There were 80 people registered, and there were about 50 people there. They had a good sponsor base too. Most of the time slots were filled up and…