Sunday Update: Goals and Accountability
There is great news from last week — I got four intense workouts in! That was the goal, and the goal was made. Goal setting does a couple of things: Creates focus on where you are going. You can say “I’m going to work out.” There’s no call to action there. Workout means what? How…
Facebook for Small Business
Tonight I presented to members of the Sac City Iowa community on how to use Facebook for small business. Here’s the presentation! facebook 2014
Sunday Update: A Day Late
We had storms here yesterday. Big, bad ones with lots of rain. And … I left my power cord at my mom’s. So it was a double whammy for using the laptop. Good week last week — used My Fitness Pal each day and made the cut (under calories) all but one day. And that…
Sunday Update: One Week In
Made it through the week and kept my calories in check! Have NOT had a Diet Mountain Dew, took my vitamins every day, had a protein shake every day, had GC Control every day — and I’m a week in. What does that mean, one week in? For me – it means I committed to…
Business Books
There are a lot of business books out there. Some are great, some are good and some suck. This is a list that was submitted to me by Pete Campbell from I agree,this is a good list. Some of the books are really really good. He’s missing a few I can think of: Small…
PHASE TWO COMPLETE, MORE FUNDRAISING AND OPENING DATE PROJECTED Help Entertain and Restore Organization, HERO, announced today that $133,000 has been raised to Save the Webster Theater. Phase One needed $22,500 in order to purchase the building. Phase Two needed $80,000 to purchase the projector, video and sound equipment. The building is now owned by…
Sunday Update: Going Public
It’s been a rough week. Lots of meetings, plenty of opportunity to not eat right, stressful situations with loved ones and to cap it off, my IBS chose to flair up this week. Irritable Bowel Syndrome was diagnosed after I had every possible test known to man to find out why I had chronic, uncontrollable…
Happy Birthday William Shakespeare
Shakespeare, born 450 years ago today, is known for his wit, and considered the greater writer in the English language by many. But did you know he gave great leadership advice? “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” ― William Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well You’ll come across many people in your lifetime.…
World Book Night
Who is helping give out half a million free books across America on April 23rd? We are! Webster City Area Chamber of Commerce has partnered with All Cultures Equal, Hamilton County Public Health and RSVP to become one of 2,300 bookstores, businesses and libraries across America supporting World Book Night 2014. On April 23 —Shakespeare’s birthday— 25,000 volunteers from…
Butter the Toast
David Baeza, my misfit friend, told the story of what it means to butter your toast. First you put your toast in the toaster at exactly the right toast degree you like. After it’s toasted, you remove it, put it on a plate and you take out your butter knife. Then you put the knife…