Thinking of Writing A Book?
I’ve written two ebooks and am working a full fledged book called Building Possibilities: 7 Principles. Corrin Foster is with Greenleaf Book Group and she offers the following advice. Frankly, this advice also works for any small business too! Building Online Presence – a Guide for Authors By Corrin Foster, Greenleaf Book Group Nearly 1.47…
Sunday Update: Walking Weather
This time of year I love. I can be outside and walking. I got a pair of Vionic Motion Venture shoes to try (given to me free). They are black with blue trim and shoestrings. Size 11, wide. I know – big foot. As I’ve aged my feet have gotten wider and longer. Go figure.…
Small Business Optimism
Alex Della Rocca with American Express Forum shared this information with us. Encouraging! Small business owners are more confident than they were a year ago and their top priority is “keeping/maintaining their current business and sources of revenue,” according to the 2015 American Express OPEN Small Business Monitor. The survey found 67 percent of small…
No Foolin’ – Google Places for Your Business
Chamber Nation handles our CRM at the Webster City Area Chamber. In their newsletter this week they shared exactly how to put your business on Google places. If you haven’t done so .. time to get with it! It will allow you to show up on Google map results, on Google search results TWO…
Sunday Update: 2 for 1
I missed you last week. I didn’t post last Sunday, nor did I catch up. Sometimes life gets in the way. I took last week off. It was my niece’s 30th birthday and we drove to Chicago. We ate in Greektown on Friday, had HomeRun Inn pizza on Saturday and breakfast at the Melrose on…
A Guide for Authors: Building Online Presence
Every so often we have guest bloggers join us, today is one of those days. I’m working on my book, Building Possibilities: 7 Principles, and I found this information very useful. Not only for promoting a book, but much of this information can be used for small businesses too! Building Online Presence – a…
Sunday Update: Late and Consistent
There’s an oxymoron — late and consistent. Unless of course you are always late. I’m not always late. In fact, I’m usually early. Today was not one of those days. I’m late to posting this blog. I have been consistent all week though. I’ve recorded by eating habits in My Fitness Pal all week and…
Baby Boomers as Entrepreneurs
The Kauffman report was recently released and it talked about Entrepreneurs and the Millennials and Baby Boomers. Jack Schulz from Agracel first shared the news with us. Today we’re reprinting the section on Baby Boomers. What are your thoughts/? Many Boomers (born from 1946–1964) who became entrepreneurs during the information technology revolution in the 1980s…
Millennials as Entrepreneurs
The Kauffman report was recently released and it talked about Entrepreneurs and the Millennials and Baby Boomers. Jack Schulz from Agracel first shared the news with us. Today we’re reprinting the section on Millennials (Friday – Boomers). What are your thoughts/? Millennials (born from 1981–1997) have created fewer and fewer businesses since they entered the…
Sunday Update: What I Learned This Week
Parking at the rear of the parking lot won’t kill you. Walking back to your car won’t kill you either. It gives you more steps on your UP band. Don’t shop hungry. I had to go to Hy-Vee today for a meeting (client of mine) about wine (yeah, my job sucks) and didn’t eat first.…