Creating a Personal Mission Statement
Forbes recommends that each mission statement answer these questions: What do we do? How do we do it? Whom do we do it for? What value are we bringing? In 2008 I wrote about creating a personal mission statement and came up with: I live each day with a listening, happy heart that guides me…
Iowa is Getting Younger
According to the US Census, in contrast to most states, five experienced a decline in median age between July 1, 2013, and July 1, 2014: North Dakota, Hawaii, Montana,Wyoming and Iowa. Millennials, or America’s youth born between 1982 and 2000, now number 83.1 million and represent more than one quarter of the nation’s population. Their size…
Sunday Update: Something Different
It seems that day after day we do the same stuff. Get up, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, go to bed. Weekends are full of work too – laundry, cleaning house, reading a book. Same ‘ol same ‘ol. This weekend I had the chance to take my 10 year old great nephew and…
What’s in store for retail?
McKenzie reports that by 2020 1/3 of the worlds markets will be emerging. Retail stores will need to be leaner, denser and more in touch with their digital channels. When it’s so easy to shop online, it’s obviously affected the brick and mortar stores. Did you know 44% of those surveyed actually do product research…
Sunday Update: Responsibility
I didn’t update last week. I was too busy getting sick. Update first: I’ve lost 5 pounds. It was all smooth sailing until Sunday. (more on that coming) I’m using the new metabolic products from Melaleuca and am thrilled with the results. If you’re looking for vitamins and products that work, shoot me an email.…
I hear often “our downtown is dead, what can we do about that?” It’s a question many chamber executives ask in rural America. A Little History It used to be the county seat was where people came and did their shopping. Women didn’t work outside of the home so shopping in their downtown was easier…
Save Feature in Facebook
I save articles on Facebook (little gray down arrow to the right of the article and you can choose save) and read them later. It’s an eclectic group of saves. I wanted to just give you an idea of the different things you can choose to read later. Sometimes I’ll save videos to watch on…
Sunday Update: 60
Let’s talk about life changes and how important it is to keep your head above the water line. Monday I turned 60. No big deal, just another year. Well .. apparently not. Mark Horvath said today “just because you bury toxic waste that doesn’t mean it goes away.” This whole business of being happy no…
Mini Course: Pop ups
Becky McCray, cattle rancher, liquor store owner and primary at, and I have partnered to bring you a mini course on popups – how to plan one, make it successful and have some fun while doing it. We are the proud owners of and our first course is a mini one. One of…
Sunday Update: Fargo
I’ve spent the last week since Wednesday in Fargo for the Misfit Conference 2015. A group of 150 people, all misfits, gathered together to experience culinary delights, art of all kinds, Shakespeare, speakers and each other. It was go go go from beginning to end. This is the 3rd year for the conference and as…