
Invisible People: @home on PBS

I‘m sharing this press release in hopes that my readers will share it as well – and watch the special on PBS.  Everyone so often we are blessed to meet angels in real life.  I had the good fortune to meet Mark Horvath at a 140 Conference in New York several years ago.  His story…

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Marshmallow Love

I met Nathan at a Misfit Conference in Fargo.  Nathan and his family make marshmallows.  Their company is Wondermade. The entire business started because Nathan needed to buy a Christmas gift for his wife.  The internet led him to candy which led him to marshmallows.  After noticing that all their friends wanted to order marshmallows…

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Sunday: Blue

My new Jawbone Up is blue.  I ordered it on Groupon for $49 (more than 1/2 off).  It tracks my steps, my sleep and syncs with My Fitness Pal.  I also have it set to buzz every 15 minutes during the day to remind me to get up and walk around and not sit in…

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Hashtag Campaign for RAGBRAI Pass through

RAGBRAI is coming through Webster City!  We are excited and thrilled to welcome approximately 25,000 bike riders to our town early in the morning of July 21. We’re currently putting together a hashtag promotion and asking everyone to enter their ideas about the perfect hashtag at The idea is to create a hashtag we can…

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Chef: A lesson for small businesses

If you have not seen the movie Chef and you own a small business, stop what you are doing and go watch it.  I used Netflix to see it. Besides being a feel good movie about a dad and his kid, it’s a better movie about how to use social media for your small business.…

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Sunday Update: This and That

They came!  My new Vionics are here.  I love the colors too.  I’ll be trying them out the next couple of weeks and I’ll let you know how they work out.  Shoes are important and a vital part of taking care of yourself.  And these look good too! This week I went on retreat to…

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5 Business Travel Apps

Christine Kane is one of our favorite guest bloggers.  I love travel and do lots of it for business.  You can bet I’ll use this advice!   5 Business Travel Apps that You’ll Actually Use (and LOVE!) If you travel for business, no doubt you’ve got more than one app that was supposed to make…

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He Said What?

I just read that CTO of T-Mobile said “We believe the metro stuff is most important.” (find link here My first response is: Are You Kidding Me?  20% of the population lives in rural America.  You’re willing to give up that business?  Then I realized Mr. CTO has no clue why it’s important that…

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A New IRS Scam

I subscribe to the Better Business Bureau enewsletter and they’ve posted the following information.  We’ve had a few calls about this at our Chamber so I find it particularly relevant to share it with my readers today.  Tips For Avoiding IRS Scams People from all over the country are falling victim to a recent phone…

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Sunday Update: Walking, Partners, Water

Last year I tried out a pair of Vionic shoes, during the Vionic Walkabout.  It’s February a year later and time for another Walkabout!  Vionic asks that you spend 30 minutes a day walking.  That’s it, just 30 minutes a day for 30 days.  You can sign up for free online at:  The Walkabout is…

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