There’s an oxymoron — late and consistent. Unless of course you are always late. I’m not always late. In fact, I’m usually early. Today was not one of those days. I’m late to posting this blog.
I have been consistent all week though. I’ve recorded by eating habits in My Fitness Pal all week and stayed under my calories each day – just a few points. I have walked at least 2000 steps each day. Parking the car further away, getting up from my desk every couple of hours and walking around, shopping with mom — all easy steps now implemented in my fitness regime. For two weeks I’ve been walking at least 2000 steps a day. My walking partner and I agreed to start on Monday on walk 3000 steps a day. Do these numbers seem low? Maybe – but we are starting and building consistency.
I‘ve consistently used coconut oil with essential oils on my sore arms at night. Recommended to me by my massage therapists – it appears to be helping. I also use Pain-A-Trate during the day and Renew Lotion on my dry skin – both Melaleuca products that I’ve been using for over 11 years. Coconut oil is a new addition for me, based on research done by friend Tyson Adams who is soon coing out with his own line of coconut oil. I’ll share the kickstarter program when it is ready.
Vitamins — no other brand better than Melaleuca – and I’m taking my vitamins consistently twice a day. They’ve added a new antioxidant and anti-inflammatory in the mix. Their vitamins are the only ones that get absorbed into your system, and I have proof of that.
The crud has also returned to my house. This cold is probably the worst one I’ve had and not been able to get rid of. It comes and goes and is back again. Snotty nose, loose cough — and now I’m wondering if this is allergies or just the crud? In any case, more vitamins, Activate in tea form to loosen things up, lots of rest — prescriptions that are working. I shudder to think how sick I really would be without the anti-inflammatories!
I learned this week:
- cheat day is not an option for me. I overate last weekend and paid for it on Monday. I’m sticking with counting calories, lots of protein and walking. It may be slower, but it is something I can do.
- I can eat bananas. For a long time I’ve not liked bananas – too mushy in my mouth and too sweet. This weekend I tried dried fruit and found that I don’t mind the bananas. Imagine that! I do need to be careful with the amount in this trail mix — it would be easy to overeat.
- I’m going to Chicago this coming weekend. I’m not in the least bit worried about what I’ll be eating. Greek food, Italian food, breakfast every day — and a ton of walking. It’s the celebration of my nieces 30th birthday – and I’m starting to celebrate my 60th. June 1 I hit that big milestone and I believe I can have a party every month until then!
- what you say or think is not important. What I say or think is. For years I’ve worried about what people think of me and would get upset when I wasn’t thought of in the best light. Chasing others thoughts is about as helping as a cat chasing it’s own tail. I’m going slow on this journey – and steady. I’m working my way along my path. It’s not drudgery, it’s joyful. It’s also my path, not yours. I’m the only one who can direct my steps. You may have some great things to say, and I love hearing those things, but ultimately – it’s all up to me.
See you next week!