Millennials – A Few Things
What do you know? Millennial’s are now 51% of workforce today. They will be 75% of workforce by 2025. They entered adulthood sometime around 2000. Do you know how to reach them? Do you know how to work with them, and soon how to work for them? They want authenticity, environmentally friendly products, real time offers, easy redemption,…
Kendall Young Park
Webster City has many parks and last Sunday Keri and I went on a drive looking for some of the lesser known tourist parks. One of my favorite ones is Kendall Young Park at 600 Kendall Young Road in Webster City. According to it is a: Scenic park located one mile north of Webster City.…
Build Your Community
Here’s a fun thing to do — start building the kind of community you want to live in. But do it online. by creating a Pinterest board and name it The Kind of Town I Want to Live In. Then invite some of your friends around the world to add links to it. See what…
Jennifer Drinkwater Came to Town
Her goal was to develop new community partnerships around a cultural community vision incorporating art and natural resources for economic development over a multi-year plan. Simpler put: bring artists, naturalists and businesses together to showcase the Webster City area and improve our economy into the future. Creative Placemaking is an evolving field of practice that…
Sunday Update: Happy Mother’s Day
My mom watches over me. She says things like “Debra, get up and do something.” ” You need to stop working so hard, Go have some fun.” “Take care of those little kids of ours. Play with them.” Yes, I miss her. This is my first Mother’s Day without her. Yet all I have to…
Hanging Out with the Pork Queen
Last night I got to hang out with the Pork Queen and the kids from the FFA. It’s just one of the many reasons I love living in a small town. For the cost of $5 here’s what I received: A pork burger with bacon, chips and a drink great conversation with local FFA boys…
It’s Never About You
Building Relationships vs. Networking Networking is important, we all know that. We need to meet people to advance whatever agenda we are working on. Networking is the buzzword of this century. You hear it everywhere. It means to interact with each other to exchange information and develop contacts. You’ve been to networking events. Usually there’s…
Start Ups
Maybe We Could Do That In A Small Town Tuesday six of us traveled to Kansas City and met with several businesses and leaders to see what their start up community was doing. The picture below is John Hawkins-mayor, me, Nate Olson, Zach Chizek-attorney, Brian Miller-city council, Maureen Seamonds-artist, Logan Welch-city council and Adam Arredondo. Nate…
The Past is Done
The Past is Done The days of working at one job for 35 years are gone. We no longer punch in, work 8 hours, and punch out. Some of us work for ourselves, and work long days and often 6 days a week. Some of us work two or three part time jobs. Young people don’t…
Two Boys Two Nights
My great nephews spent the weekend. It rained all weekend. It didn’t matter – we still had fun. All it took was a plan, and patience. Friday night we went to the store around 9:30 when it was pretty empty. They had to test the cars to see which ones were the fastest. Saturday morning…