Pamela Slim
Pamela Slim, author of Body of Work and developer of the Indispensable Community Tour shares these 35 ways to seed and support your community.
35 Ways to seed and support your community
Generated by the Sunnyvale Community Tour group
1. Facilitate a LinkedIn introduction for a community member
2. Create a YouTube video with helpful content
3. Follow up via email with a valued contact and let them know how much you believe in them
4. Showcase of photo of them with an expression of success on your FB page
5. Highlight the story/accomplishment of a member of your community
6. Celebrate their milestones with them
7. Offer individual help
8. Offer pro-bono services
9. Create a survey in SurveyMonkey to find out what they need
10. Create a Meetup.com group to support them
11. Give free talks to groups where your community gathers in person
12. Share or (ReTweet, post, like, pin) their comments, announcements or events
13. Use #hashtags to gather them together
14. Create webinars on topics of interest to your community
15. Conduct interviews and share podcasts with experts your community would find valuable or inspiring
16. Invite someone to a 15 minute Skype date
17. Create a challenge for x number of days to rally people together
18. Promote Pam’s tour! (I swear, I didn’t plant that idea!)
19. Conduct check-in calls
20. Create a meetup that piggybacks off of an event that is of interest to your community
21. Be a curator of books/articles/events that they would love
22. Create a buddy call chain
23. Conduct coffee dates
24. Novel concept: look them in the eye and talk!
25. Send thoughtful gifts
26. Post kudos on a community member’s FB page
27. Share encouraging comments on FB page
28. Create a list of your favorite places and share with your community
29. Follow up with individuals that you meet at a community event
30. Invite the sharing of stories and traditions
31. Note on your calendar when a community member has an important event and send them a text before it begins
32. Host “read aloud” events — bring your favorite illustrated story and share with a group
33. Write a Yelp review for a fellow business owner you admire
34. Make lots of valuable introductions
35. Write a LinkedIn recommendation
These are simple things – at least some of them are – and we can do these individually, or as small groups of people. Let’s begin!
his article was originally written for my weekly post on Wednesday for Building Possibility. You can receive the newsletter too! Just sign up in the box to the right – Start Building Possibility.