To often we belittle ourselves. We say things to ourselves we’d never say to our children. We don’t accept compliments well. We continue to talk to ourselves in negative language. We don’t put ourselves first in the list of priorities. We manage to make everything more important.
I’m changing that this year. At least for myself. You can do what you want to, but I’m switching my priorities around. I’m putting myself at the top of the agenda this year.
My health is paramount – so appointments with my trainer are taking the lead. We meet at least once a week, and sometimes twice a week this summer. Already booked it through June with Leah Feltz.
I’m not keeping clothes that just make me look ‘okay’. I’m only wearing clothes that make me fabulous and the rest are going to charity. No more clothes that are too big and baggy. Girls – they do you no favors. Wear the clothes that make you feel fine – and stop hiding your real self.
I’m reading the books that lead me down the existential path I like to follow. I’m writing in the margins, turning down the pages, and putting stickies in the best spots. I’ll read biographies of women who changed the world and followed their own minds. I’m telling the stories I hear around me, and asking people to tell me their stories for me to share. I’m talking to people of all ages, and bringing them together so they can hear each other.
I’m riding my bike, walking around the streets, visiting members, and enjoying the sunshine and not always sitting at my desk. It’s time to get outside and enjoy the city I live in. Even going to the many parks and enjoying what we have right here in town instead of holing up in the house is good!
And I’ve pulled out the Louise Hay positive cards and will change one out of every day . It’s good to say positive things to yourself every morning. Care to join me?
You go! You continue to inspire me and so many others.
baby steps Sara – not about to give up now!