Letting Go
This week I had a terrible experience. Someone I love turned on me. We haven’t talked in a long time, and that’s not so unusual as you get older. I’ve asked for pictures and attempted communication on facebook – but had no response. Finally I had to relay a message that was not pleasant. And…
JC Penney Update
Monday I talked about JC Penney sponsoring my outfit for SOBCon 2009. I received this automated email: Thank you for your email. We appreciate your taking the time to provide us with your comments and suggestions. This email is automatically generated to let you know that JCPenney has received your email. A JCPenney Representative will respond to…
What’s Wrong With This Picture
I’m always looking for people who want to earn additional revenue. I particularly like smart people. They use whatever is available as a marketing tool. It’s great when you can use your available time to market yourself and what you do. It’s even better when you can do it for free. That’s why car…
City Barbeque
Lunch on the road – it can be a challenge. Empty calories for food that doesn’t taste that great. Not the case yesterday – we went to City Barbeque at 7706 Voice of America Centre, West Chester OH (http://cityqbbq.com) You walk in into a rustic setting and see smiling Tony behind the counter. It’s…
Blogging – Are You?
Today I’ve put together the posts about blogging I’ve written for my 100 series into one spot. If you aren’t blogging, this is a good place to start reading to see if you want to! If you are blogging, I would love to see your comments. 30 Day Plan What I’ve Learned Due…
Jc Penny: Are You Listening?
I’m going to SOBCon09 May 1,2 and 3rd. In Chicago. You do know women in Chicago like to look good. I’m a tall woman of some size. Proud of it. A big challenge for me is finding clothes that fit around my hips and pants that are long enough. I finally found some killer jeans…
Twitter For All
Over the last 30 days I’ve written several posts on how to twitter, twitter results and just plain twitter info. I have compiled them here in one post – objective: make it easy! I’ll be teaching class in May and these posts will be part of my curriculum. Advice? Read and get ready! …
SOBCon Preparations
SOBCon is just around the corner! May 1, 2 and 3. In this post I’ll give highlights of the conference and what I’m doing in preparing for the event. This is a continuation of my post for 2/27/09 http://debworks.blogspot.com/2009/02/sobcon-action-points.html Friday Topics are: Trust Agents with Chris Brogan and Julien Smith the men who wrote the…
Tools I Want
I just read an email that says I need to ask the universe for the things I want. Sounded good to me. So I’m asking for the following items. I’m even telling you why I need them! A green flip. As in Flip Video Mino HD (www.theflip.com) I’d like to branch out into video blogging.…
Calendar I use Google calendar. I like it. It’s easy to set up appointments, get reminders and it syncs with my Blackberry. For years I vasciliated between hard copy calendar systems and online ones. I finally just made up my mind to use the benefits of the Blackberry and Google. The hardest part?…