My favorite independent book store closed last month. It creates such a dilemma! I really liked having someone who knew my tastes, kept me informed of books I might like to read and did special orders. She also became a friend. Now she is working out of town during the week and home most weekends.
So not only have I lost my local bookstore, my friend is not available to do things during the week. She also doesn’t get to shop in our county, attend local events, be present for Questers, Kiwanis, Chamber of Commerce and Speciality Group meetings.
It’s more than just her family that is affected. We all are.
Do me a favor. Find a local independent book store to support. They need you —- and you need them.
Quick Book Review:
Jesus, CEO by Laurie Beth Jones
Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership
I don’t care what religion you belong to. This is a great book to read to be a better leader. Read it.
Told you it was a quick review.
picture courtesy of flickr.com creative commons attributes
Posted in 100 series, Series