What It Took To Get My Husband Out of His Lazy Boy
I’m a married woman. You wouldn’t know it. I almost always attend events, activities, go shopping – everything – alone. My husband is NOT a social being. He’s quite happy to sit in his chair, watch tv or play online poker (when he’s not working). I continue to ask him if he wants to…
People of Hutchinson Kansas
Put a group of bloggers together and what do you have? Geeks on parade! Cell phones that make movies. Little itty bitty computers to type from the field. No aversion to name badges on lanyards. Blue jeans are business casual. Everybody talks, at once. As they say in Iowa, I was in Hog Heaven.…
A Little Bit of Preparation Goes A Long Way
I’ll be at the firehouse all day Saturday for a Home Show Expo. I’m sharing the 8′ x 10′ booth with a friend who is a Watkins distributor. I’ve been putting together a slideshow because we have 30 minutes in which to do a presentation to a group of people. Then I got…
Dawn: a definition and a challenge
Sunday in church I learned a new definition for dawn. It’s when you recognize a friend’s face. Isn’t that so much better than Websters definition: to begin to grow light as the sun rises? I’ve got a small challenge that just may change your day. What if you kept track of the friends…
Hutchinson Kansas
Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center Fox Theatre Airport Steak House Metropolitan Coffee Yoder Amish Community Indian Creek Bison Ranch Carl’s Bar and Deli Kansas Underground Salt Museum Anchor Inn Third Thursday Lloyds Loft 40,000 people in Hutchinson, Kansas. Strangers call it the Salt City. Locals call it Hutch. I’ll be in Hutch this week.…
Link Love: What’s In Your Favorites?
What are you reading? It’s a great suggestion to share what you read with your readers. Let’s call it Link Love. Here’s some cool stuff I’ve tripped over……….. Amazon gets their comeuppance: I’ve been preaching for months SHOP YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT BOOKSELLER – here’s a few reasons why. Every little bit helps: feng shui never…
He Lives!
Matthew 28:2-7 (The Message) Matthew 28 Risen from the Dead 1-4 After the Sabbath, as the first light of the new week dawned, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to keep vigil at the tomb. Suddenly the earth reeled and rocked under their feet as God’s angel came down from heaven, came right up to…
What I Learned From Adversity
We’ve got a new writing assignment from Robert Hruzek. The assignment is to expound on what you’ve learned from adversity. Let me tell you a couple of stories. (Facts tell, stories sell.) I have a 92 Cadillac I love. Her name is Baby. I drove her to Des Moines this week, and she let me…
Frugal and Friendly: Jenn Fowler
Do a Google search for Jenn Fowler and here’s what you find: Jenn Fowler on Twitter Deb Ng and Jenn Fowler on Blogtalkradio Frugal Upstate I met Jenn on twitter and had the pleasure of speaking with her this week. She has always responded to my tweets, is insightful and helpful. Oh yeah – and…
Top Ten Reasons I’m Going to SOBCon 09
Top Ten Reasons 1. I’m a blogger. 2. To actually meet the speakers that I follow on twitter. Chris Brogan, Brian Clark, Chris Cree, Chris Garrett, Glenda Watson Hyatt, Julian Smith, Terry Starbucker, Liz Strauss — just to name a few. 3. To meet my some of my twitter friends like Becky McCray, Amber…