Made with Love
There’s a store called Cornerstone Cottage Kids. It’s for parents who want to buy cool, educational stuff for their kids. But it’s also for grandma’s who need things at home, want their grandkids to help them and play with them — and have figured out how to have both at the same time. This picture…
Predictions true? Maybe
Barry Moltz wrote about 12 predictions for 2012 over at Open Forum. I tweeted and facebooked that I agreed with most of them. Like any good blogger, Barry asked me what I didn’t agree with. I propose that small business in cities like New York, Chicago, even Dallas are different from small businesses in rural…
Pinterest is at it’s tipping point. The cool people are beginning to come. Some of them are even following me (Jason Falls for example). The best news? Kelby Carr is writing Pinterest for Dummies! If you don’t know Kelby Carr, google her. One smart cookie. I love her boards. Social Media Coolness has some things…
Week 1 of 52
Resolution: To enjoy a thing of beauty each day. Take a moment just to breathe and thank God. I participate in Project 52. You may want to as well.
Truth for Mature Humans
found on Pinterest on Annamaria Bittoni’s page. It says it all.
Tell me your story
I grew up in Geneva, Iowa population 141. We had a grocery store, gas station, implement store, Methodist and Catholic churches, post office, locker, school and ball parks. (for you urbanites: an implement store is where they sell farm machinery and usually repair it too and a locker is where you take your farm animals…
Rant on Rural Thinking
I ranted one day that I was stymied by people who didn’t want any change. Grant Griffiths, co-owner of Headway Themes and my friend, responded to that rant. I feel it’s a valid rant and wanted to share it with my readers. Grant said, “And that my dear is why those with ideas and a…
Here’s a good question
Good question, no? picture from
Debworks goes Live on CNN
Deb Brown is the owner of a social media company, Debworks. That’s what CNN said about me today. It’s a little more than that. However I was happy to be on CNN this morning for a short minute to talk about social media and how I connect people to each other. Debworks main goal is…