
Transparent – maybe not always.

I was going to tell you the story of my estranged brother.  However, is this a story I really need to share?  No, it’s not.  It’s a story for my family, not a story for the public. How many of us tell all of our stories in order to be truly transparent?  Is transparency always…

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Small Biz Friday: Country Heritage Bed and Breakfast

1n 1921 Carl Borcherding built a house.  It’s believed to be a mail order house from Sears and Roebuck.  This house was on the family farm and three generations lived in it before it became the bed and breakfast it is today. Donnis Borcherding, her daughter Lacey Elphic and family friend Crystal Cross now run…

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Gems from my Google Reader

I’ve started reading my Google Reader more than once a week.  I’m always looking for news and interesting things to share and in that quest I’ve saved quite a few blogs in my Reader.  Here’s just a few fun things from the past couple of days. Google Alert for Hampton, Iowa:  I have the alert…

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Harvest Tour 2012 Day 2

6 bloggers woke up to country fresh air in Franklin County Iowa on Saturday, October 6, 2012.  They came to find out about: how food ends up on their table, rural living and the changes made in the last 100 years, entertainment in a small town, and why someone would want to live here. They…

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Following the Hashtag #HarvestTour2012

6 bloggers came to Franklin County Iowa last night.  We took them to the REA Plant and Museum (first farmer owned electricity plant in the United States), the Old Stone House (built in 1854) and Maynes Grove Lodge for some wine and food and mingling. Our hashtag for you to follow along on twitter is…

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Meet the Bloggers

Six people and spouses/kids/moms will travel to Franklin County on Friday, October 5.  They are all bloggers and come from Iowa, Missouri, Illinois and New Hampshire. We’ve invited them to be a part of the Harvest Tour 2012. They are staying at the Country Heritage Bed and Breakfast.  They’ll see the REA Plant and Museum,…

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October is National Bullying Prevention Month

October is National Bullying Prevention Month.   It’s an opportunity to bring to light those activities that are not okay. When I was a junior in high school I received an anonymous letter stuck in my locker.  It said, in essence, that I was a pretty girl and smart and if I could just lose…

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There’s this neat little website called   If you go there, you can either enter a bunch of words or enter a website and they’ll pull words out of it and create a neat graphic.  You can change colors, fonts, layout and language.  Why not give it a try?   Here’s a few things…

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Harvest Tour 2nd Year

We’re hosting our 2nd Annual Bloggers Harvest Tour.  Franklin County Farm Bureau, Latham Hi-Tech Seeds and Franklin County Tourism have teamed up to bring bloggers to our county.  We’ll feed them, entertain them, show them around and just generally have a great time while they are here. Why do we do it?  That’s simple, we…

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Move it or lose it

I went to the gym this morning and took my 3 times a week class – Strengthen and Tone.  It would be better called ‘Cardio with Weights and Jumping Around’.  Strengthen and Tone appealed to me – I need to get stronger and the Lord knows I need toning. But life is pretty funny. Cause…

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