Bloggers around the world today are posting on Blog Action Day. it started in 2007 and the global topic today is The Power of We.
I believe in thinking global and buying local. I live in a community of 10,000 people in my entire county, and our livelihoods are dependent on residents buying local. This year our Greater Franklin County Chamber has promoted Buy One Product Local. You can see what they’ve done over at www.buyoneproductlocal.com.
In January, a group of local businesses and myself began getting together to talk about creating partnerships. How could WE partner with EACH OTHER and create additional revenue? There’s a gift store, winery, seed company, farmer, tree grower, and marketer in the group. Normally, we wouldn’t do a lot of business together. However, this year we’ve created some unique opportunities and have worked very hard to get to know each others business and direct customers to each other.
The seed company hosted an event and invited the local stores to set up booths and sell their wares. The tree grower hosted the annual Tree Growers meeting and invited local businesses out to talk about their businesses. The winery had their Wine Release and had other businesses/crafters selling all weekend. The farmer took part of the marketer’s blogger tour.
Once a month we gather together to discuss what worked, what’s ahead and to share ideas. It’s the Power of We Locally.
please dont do! Ihad a similar call from hodaliy rentals .i stupidley paid out a31000for there srvices with a promise of a35000 , what happened , they went bust only recentleyi have got my money back, not off them but off my credit card co. after as lot of of answers and questions. it does not stop there ,as 3 different companies one called excalibur have promised me the same . believe me its a sc**!!!mine was also club class membership ,beware i am in dispute with them
Great information This can be aseowme. Issue stare upon this amazing video material when we are thunderstruck. We’re curious about this type of things. Just one appreciate slimmer s place, and prize your time in this. Please keep adding information to. These are genuin