
Sunday Update: Gator

It’s JunqueFest weekend in my town.  It’s sponsored by the Chamber and Iowa Antique Network, hosted at Wilson Brewer Park and three days of fun.  Over 80 vendors set up and sell their junque – architectural salvage, repurposed furniture, yard art, rusty metal, old farm pieces — you name it, it’s there. My job this…

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Marc Winn and his co-founders recently launched the Dandelion Project in Guernsey which is all about bringing a community together to help create a better place for everybody to live in Dandelion Project.  65,000 inhabitants live on the island of Guernsey off the coast of Normandy, France.  This dedicated group is changing their world – and…

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The Power of Participation

I’m headed to Fargo next week.  This is the third year for me, headed to the Misfit Conf.  It’s a handcrafted event for artists, troublemakers and general riff raff.  Designed, organized, crafted and presented as a true art treasure that it is by the Misfits, headed by AJ and Melissa Leon. AJ says “Misfit is a…

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Tattoo: Peony for 60

I turn 60 June 1.  It’s a real right of passage and one I’m ready to make.  Last year at this time I got my 3rd tattoo – it was a misfit bird with the word ‘fly’ on the tail.  My artist friend Jackie drew the design for me, and a local tattoo artist in…

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Sunday Update: Rain and Shoes

So what do you do when it rains all the time?  I want to ride my bike, but the roads are mushy and it’s raining.  I get up every 45 minutes and walk around the office.  I wear my UP band, and I’m consistently hitting 4,000 steps.  But my goal is 10,000 steps.  I’ll get…

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HERO Board Announced Auditorium Project

The Help Entertain and Restore Organization (HERO) board announces the next opportunity for interested businesses and individuals to support the Webster Theater.  An auditorium redecorating project, including new seats, is being planned for early fall. “Our initial focus was on getting everything we needed to re-open the theater,” stated HERO board founding member and president…

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Sunday Update: Drew’s Advice

Drew McLellan is a friend and a pretty smart guy.  He’s been on the journey to better health and looks fabulous.  I asked him what he’s doing. He said “I get my 10,000 steps in and eat half the food I order.” Yes, he’s trying to eat better.  But Drew travels for work all the…

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Seating for 1000, 47 at a time

Last week I was in Sioux Falls for 3 days for the Midwest Area Chamber Executives Conference.  It’s days of training, networking and hearing about what is working in other communities.  This year we received a tour of downtown Sioux Falls as part of the training.  Connie Larson from Millbank sat next to me and…

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Gnome Homes

In Iowa the ash trees have been hit by the emerald ash borer, and many of them are being cut down.  Some of these trees have been around a long time and will be sorely missed. At our retail meeting yesterday, Steve from Home Appliance suggested we figure out how to make the stumps into…

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Female Entrepreneurs

They exist in rural Iowa.  In fact, they are right here in Webster City.  Take six minutes and listen to their stories.  

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