Kindness Matters – Take an Hour
Kindness really matters. Often it’s the real difference in relationships. My misfit friends are hosting 24 hours of speakers in an online free conference called GenKind24. Take a look at this speaker lineup! I’m asking you to take an hour out of your day to listen to one of these phenomenal speakers – and to…
SaveYour.Town – Toolkit Next!
The registration is open for the Toolkit! Okay, so it is a toolkit with lots of tools on how to host a Tour of Empty Buildings. But you don’t need saws, hammers and drills. You simply need empty buildings in your town that need to be filled, a desire to fill them and the willingness…
Sunday Update: Wheat Free
Wheat free – it’s harder than you think, but easier than sugar free. No bread, no chips, nothing with wheat – takes a little getting used to. But I’m starting to get the hang of it. The place I eat lunch at has switched to gluten free, wheat free wraps for me. I’ve bought meat…
Sunday Update: Dance War Room
I just got home from two days on the road with my friend Melanie. We traveled, via a wine trail, to Savanna, Illinois to help my friend Chris celebrate his 40th birthday. Two full days of conversation, laughter, hooting and hollering and dancing. Oh yes, I did dance at the birthday party to Madonna, Michael…
Just hearing the name Platejoy makes me happy. This is an online site that makes eating better, shopping easier and cooking more fun. It’s simple. You fill out the lifestyle quiz, add in the kinds of foods you really don’t want to eat and sit back and wait for the recipes and shopping lists to…
Sunday Update: Accountability Partners
Chris Brogan is a friend, a super smart guy and has the goal to make things simpler in life. Today in his Sunday newsletter he shared this tidbit: Use an accountability buddy. Instead of announcing what you WILL do, announce what you’ve done for the week. And keep a constant list. I have a partner…
TEDx Brookings
Today I speak at TEDx Brookings. This year we are exploring the origins of ideas, community and movements. True change begins with a small number of people who care. It started several months ago when I was invited to speak about the Tour of Empty Buildings at this event. I have 8 minutes, a slide…
Sunday Update: Walk Michigan
I spent the last three days adding to my steps. I had the great pleasure to fly to Traverse City and travel to Roscommon County to speak to a group of people excited about economic development and the tour of empty buildings on Friday evening. Then on Saturday we visited three spots in the county…
What will be important in the end?
My mom died August 11. In the weeks before she passed, we knew it was coming and she wanted to be surrounded by those she loved. Her kids, grand kids, great grand kids – her brother, sister in law and sister – her nieces – close family friends – these were the people who brought…
Sunday Update: La Vida Loca
It’s easier than you think, living the wild life. It’s all in your definition of wild, isn’t it? I’ve decided to surround myself at home and work with things (you know, stuff) that either serves a purpose or that I love. If I kinda like it, out it goes. If someone gave it to me…