God Bless The USA
Decoration Day was conceived by a group of mothers following the Civil War. They decided to decorate ALL the graves of fallen soldiers – Union and Confederate. The first official Decoration Day was May 30, 1868. The National Moment of Remembrance happens at 3 p.m. on Memorial Day. Please take a moment to remember…
Got A Minute? Take A Survey!
Thanks for visiting Debworks! Got a minute? Know anyone who is looking to workshift? I’m interviewing! Visit http://www.debrareneebrown.com
Are You Talking About What Your Customers Want To Hear?
She Speaks did a survey on how we are shopping during this economic downturn. Here are some interesting results: Many of you are more uncertain (52%) and more stressed (42%) because of the economy, but many of you are also more grateful (29%) for what you have. Overall, you are spending less on jewelry (68%),…
Being; not Doing.
Today I was busy. Updates to a website I’m contracted to improve, enrolled a new Melaleuca customer, teaching my great nephew to ride a bike like a big boy, dinner with a friend and a board meeting with Historical Society. Everything was perfect. It was a great day. I felt in the groove all day.…
Wild Workshifters
I’ve been an independent for over ten years now. No silly, not politics. An independent worker. Inveterate writer. On the road blogger. Take it to the streets Melaleuca executive. I have a friend who says “I am psychologically unemployable. I have to work for myself.” I fall into the category. Here are…
I Need Your Help
Click Here to take survey Oh yes, I’m asking you to take a survey. Ten questions. I work from home and part of my job includes giving presentations. I need your help. I want to be the best presentation-giver ever! In order to do that, I need to know some of things you want…
8 Things I Learned While Boating
I like group writing projects. They make me think. Today I’m to write a list post on sailing. I’ve been on a boat, in Greece. I don’t think I’d really call it sailing though. It was more like riding on a boat to an island. My new friend Yeorgio had a boat –…
Ignorance or Courage
I found this fascinating quote today: Ignorance for me. Courage for you. Maybe it doesn’t matter why you leap. Just that you do.Drew McLellan, The Marketing Minute, May 2009 Where in your life have you let ignorance lead the way? What amazing things has it brought to you? Or courage — where did you step…
Four Reasons Why To Volunteer
Let’s talk real quick about volunteering. Do you? Where? Why? Let’s answer the WHY first — the benefits of volunteering are many. Here’s a few from the World Volunteer Web: 1. learn or develop a new skill. I’m learning to write grants. Who knew it would be this involved? It’s also exciting to…
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Taking a little trip today — back to the 80’s. That’s it. Just some music for you to listen to. No moral to the story, no deep thinking, no tips and tricks. Just some music. Enjoy! On The Dark Side – Eddie and the Cruisers click here if you can’t see the video below …