31 Days

I’ve blogged consecutively for 31 days now. I was given a challenge to do so, and I did it.  It was one of my busiest months professionally, and still I blogged.  Some of the posts were reposted from articles I had written for my enewsletter.  Some of the posts were pictures I had taken at…

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Solar Car in the Hood

One day I’m in the park just minding my own business, actually working on setting up things for JunqueFest and I see this cool airplane looking car coming down the street.  Followed by a truck pulling a trailer and a bunch of college kids.  Of course I whipped out my smart phone and shot a…

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A Long Way from Home

My mom loved looking at Becky’s iPad.  That’s because whenever Becky visited she showed her pictures of animals in Africa. I believe that we are given a chance to share the world with each other.  Some of us travel just a few miles away from home, yet can share the stories of our farms, the…

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Community Support

Pamela Slim, author of Body of Work and developer of the Indispensable Community Tour  shares these 35 ways to seed and support your community. 35 Ways to seed and support your community Generated by the Sunnyvale Community Tour group 1.     Facilitate a LinkedIn introduction for a community member 2.     Create a YouTube video with helpful content 3.     Follow…

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Start Up Guides to Cities and Rural

I’m going to Lisbon in November for the Web Summit. I was browsing their blog and noticed they’ve posted Start Up Guides to Cities.  I’m going to share a few links here with some comments.  Then I’m going to ask you to think about what Start Up Guides for Rural might look like. Start Up…

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I Saw an Elephant One Day

Headed south on I-35 driving home in the middle of the afternoon I saw an elephant one day Where was he going? They’d tied him down so he wouldn’t fall His trunk was lifted high, the wind was blowing I wondered what he thought that day.   My fly on the dash was all askew,…

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Millennials – A Few Things

What do you know? Millennial’s are now 51% of workforce today.  They will be 75% of workforce by 2025. They entered adulthood sometime around 2000. Do you know how to reach them?  Do you know how to work with them, and soon how to work for them? They want authenticity, environmentally friendly products, real time offers, easy redemption,…

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Kendall Young Park

Webster City has many parks and last Sunday Keri and I went on a drive looking for some of the lesser known tourist parks.  One of my favorite ones is Kendall Young Park at  600 Kendall Young Road in Webster City.  According to http://develop.hamiltoncountyiowa.com/html/parks_-_city.html it is a: Scenic park located one mile north of Webster City.…

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Build Your Community

Here’s a fun thing to do — start building the kind of community you want to live in. But do it online.  by creating a Pinterest board and name it The Kind of Town I Want to Live In. Then invite some of your friends around the world to add links to it. See what…

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Jennifer Drinkwater Came to Town

Her goal was to develop new community partnerships around a cultural community vision incorporating art and natural resources for economic development over a multi-year plan. Simpler put: bring artists, naturalists and businesses together to showcase the Webster City area and improve our economy into the future. Creative Placemaking is an evolving field of practice that…

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