Who’s life are you living?
Who would not want to read a book that starts off like this: “There are times when we sail so far off course, when our dreams are so far from reach that they appear but balmy glimmers violently strewn on a distant horizon which we will never pierce. When complacency and compliance, when safety and…
Are You Doing What You’re Good At?
I’m not the world’s best at bookkeeping. I can balance a checkbook, track ticket sales and sponsorships and write things down. But I don’t have any desire to learn Quickbooks, or to slave over a calculator and excel spreadsheet to balance someone’s business income/expense reports. Even my own. Payroll? Not even a little interested in…
Writing my obituary
No, I’m not dead. I’m not sick. In fact, I’m quite well and very much alive. But I got to thinking about my life, my work and my family. It all started when a family friend died and I was reading his obituary. It was an extremely cool one. You read it, and you just…
Franklin County Leads the Way
The State of Now: AgIowa is designed to bring attention to the intersection of agriculture and technology. Franklin County Farm Bureau, Dupont Pioneer, Field Brand Notes and Latham Hi-Tech Seeds are the sponsors this year. The topic of conversation will be Agriculture and the speakers will cover how the real time internet has made a…
August in Deb’s World
Friday, August 17 is State of Now: AgIowa in Ames from 2 to 5. 15 speakers, snacks, cocktails and networking — $10. There are tickets available. I am not going to explain further (see notes below where I’ve done that already). I am asking you to just buy a ticket. I’m asking you to come…
17 Reasons Why You Should Attend State of Now: Ag Iowa August 17
“There’s a lot of interest in how food is produced right now, and we want to make sure people are looking to farmers for the answers. The technology of now is a great way to do that.” Katie Olthoff The State of Now: AgIowa is designed to bring attention to the intersection of agriculture and…
Kate’s Family Goes to New Zealand
Kate and her family went to New Zealand. I asked her to guest post on my blog about her trip. This is a long post, a good read and beautiful pictures. So grab a cuppa and relax a bit. The read is a good one. My family recently returned from a month-long trip to New…
State of Now: AgIowa August 17
Join us August 17 at Scheman Building on the Iowa State Campus in Ames, Iowa from 2 to 5 pm for the State of Now: AgIowa Conference. We know not everyone has a full day to dedicate to hearing about the effect of real time internet on today’s human being. What if we could drill…
Achieving the Impossible
I have this friend, Glenda Watson-Hyatt, and she consistently pushes all who come into contact with her to achieve greatness. Her will to do better, be better, and share better is strong. Her insights are good, her writing is spot on. This Saturday Glenda is running the steps at the Philadelphia Art Museum – like Rocky did.…
Presentation for CITR Members
Attracting and working with travel writers and bloggers View more PowerPoint from Deb Brown