12 Clutter Clues to your Unhappiness
Nancilee Wydra, feng shui author suggest that the clutter: At the entrance of your home represents fear of relationships Inside a closet represents an unwillingness to examine emotions In the kitchen represents resentment or being overwhelmed by caretaking Next to a bed represents desire for change or escape On a desk represents frustration or fear…
7 Shocking Stats and Trends
Staff.com – Connecting Great Companies with Global Talent
Ten Things About Being a Board Member
Do you sit on a board? At some point, most of us who actively volunteer and work in a small town will be a board member of some organization. Here’s ten things you might want to know. Work, Wisdom and Money — if you have two out of three of those you will make an…
Prepping for 2014: Three Words
It’s that time again – the time of choosing three words that direct where you want to go in the following year. Last year I chose Explore, Become, Serve. In 2013 I took a new job and moved to a new town. Lots of exploration there. I filed for divorce in order to let go…
Podcasts with Small Biz Survival
Early in November I had the opportunity to be interviewed for a podcast with Becky McCray at www.smallbizsurvival.com We did two parts and you can find the links here: http://smallbizsurvival.com/podcast/deb-brown-part-1-the-road-back-to-a-small-town http://smallbizsurvival.com/podcast/deb-brown-part-2-new-ideas-in-webster-city I’ve been interviewed before for podcasts and these two got me to thinking, how could I use podcasts for this website? Is that…
Stop Answering Your Dang Phone Already
Christine Kane is one of our favorite guest bloggers. We welcome her post today and hope you agree with us it’s wonderful! Used to be, you could reach Sarah day or night.She was pretty much available on her cell 24/7. If you were a client, you could call. If you wanted to ask about being…
Partnerships for Small Business Owners
It’s hard out there for a small business owner. You can’t just sit back and wait for someone to come buy your product or service. You have to find ways to market what you have or what you do. Many advertise in the paper and on the radio. More and more are using social media…
New Use for an Old Space
This space is unused. It sits directly behind my office. This is a fall shot. I never really looked at it, until I really looked at it. There’s room for a couple of tables and chairs there. Wifi is accessible. The view to the west is the Stark Plaza, a green space designed to provide…
Winter Wonderland in Webster City
December 11 our first annual Lighted Drive at Briggs Woods Campgrounds in Webster City begins! Businesses and organizations have been invited to participate and we are looking forward to seeing many light displays. The Hamilton County Conservation have agreed to keep the lower campgrounds open for businesses and organizations to showcase their lighted displays. Visitors…
A Well Rounded Life
What does it mean to have a well rounded life? Well rounded is defined as full, varied and satisfying. Don’t you first think of a way to make a living? What kind of job can you do that brings you joy, pays the bills and doesn’t take up all your time? Well, there is no…