Why I’m Going to SOBCon 2014
Successful Outstanding Bloggers Conference is June 27-29 in Chicago. I went the first time in 2009. I had just ventured into the digital world with the idea I might like marketing. That was six years ago and that small conference kicked off an entire new direction in my life and a new career. I met…
7 Lists
Lists of apps to use on your mobile phone: Nature and Wildlife Mobile Apps Top iPhone Apps for Sales You own a small business? Here are some lists just for you: Customer Experience Resources Top 10 Small Business Apps for Business Growth Top Small Business Blogs Lists of Fun Stuff Best Sites for…
Walkabout Anyone?
My Project for March: A Walkabout I’m testing the Zen walking shoe from Vionic next. Starting today I’ve promised to walk for the next 28 days for 30 minutes a day. If it stays cold, I’ll be at the gym. I think I’ll break my walks up into ten minute jaunts, if I can be…
March towards Fitness
This was a week! I put a lot of ice, heat and Painatrate (soothing lotion) on my knee. Sunday I could barely walk and by Friday it was much better. Pretty sure nothing broken, just bruised and pulled. I spoke with my trainer several times and he encouraged me to NOT use it during exercise…
Using Social Media for News Research
How do you use social media for research? Used to be you went to the library, to the card catalog and used the Dewey Decimal system to find information/books/reports about whatever topic you were researching. Your librarian was essential and you needed her to find your way through the stacks. With the advent of…
Debworks: 2-23-14 health
It’s Sunday and what a week! Snowed Monday, blizzarded Thursday and Friday, mom came home from the hospital and Twin went into the hospital. Still, I recorded what I ate and kept within my range. I worked out with my trainer twice, once alone at the gym and played dodgeball on Saturday. Yes, dodgeball. (That’s…
Indiegogo to Save the Webster
The Webster Theater is closed. It took $24,500 to buy the building. It will take $80,000 to upgrade to the digital equipment. The nonprofit group HERO (Help Entertain and Restore Organization) has raised almost $50,000 towards the equipment. The local community has given and continues to give. SHIFT Happens is having a dodgeball tournament on…
Take A Note
I don’t like to drive and text. In fact, I can’t do it. And wouldn’t you know it, the best ideas come when I’m driving! I have an iPhone and Siri (male version) is a real life saver. I simply hold down my home button and say “take a note” and the wonderful Siri says…
Debworks and Health: Part Three
Let’s talk about food. I’m a food baby. I don’t like most vegetables. Green beans, romaine lettuce and well, nothing else – those are the two that I like. Peas are ok, corn is out. Tomatoes – oh hell no. Broccoli – can’t get past the smell. Cauliflower I will eat, but what’s the point?…
Debworks and Health: Part Two
If you look, you’ll see I’m making progress. My shape is changing. I started not being able to do one single dip to now I can do eight. I couldn’t get off the floor without help, now I need no help. I could only walk slowly on the treadmill, and I now I can kinda…