
Add Some Pizzaz – Canva

I know you are going to have some downtime over the holidays.  Whatever will you do? Why not play around in Canva?  (  Just a note: I am not paid to write this, I got nothing free for doing this blog.  I simply love playing in this app! You can attend their design school online…

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Sunday Update: Let’s Talk

I’m doing the best I can. That’s been my mantra this week.  I’m going to work and working my butt off.  I’m taking care of my mom’s bills, legal stuff, phone calls and dr. visits.  Saturday we worked all day in the house packing it up.  There were a lot of “remember this?” and “who…

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Do Bloggers Tours Work?

This article originally appeared in the Building Possibility newsletter from 12-17-14.  We’ve been asked to share it with our blog readers! We hosted a Bloggers Tour on December 13, 2014 here in Webster City.  We invited the North Iowa Bloggers to town. Six of the bloggers came and spent the day in Webster City.…

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Jennings Social Media Marketing Releases 2015 Predictions

 Every so often I receive press releases and I thought I’d share this one with my audience today!   CEO Shares Top Tips To Gain Traction & ROI in The New Year KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Jennings Social Media Marketing released its top predictions for 2015. The company has been at the forefront of social…

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Five Bad Ass Pieces of Advice from the Internets

This blog post is intended to whet your appetite for more.  Fortunately for you, you not only get little tidbits of badassery, but you get the entire link to the whole bad ass article! I love the internets, there is much to be learned there. Enjoy!  ♥ Deb Brown, Global Integrated Client Acquisition & Innovative…

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I want to know when Webster City is mentioned online, anywhere.  In the old days, you’d have to search many different places and hope you found everything.  Then Google Alerts came along, and it was nice.  But .. they went away and we were in the stone ages again. Then I found Talkwalker Alerts. You fill…

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Sunday Update: Sick but Better

Whew, it’s been a whirlwind December! I’ve had a lot of forced down time – sickness.  Usually I try to work through being sick, I mean, we always get better – right? Wrong.  This time I needed medical help.  I have literally over extended myself and my amazing body got sick.  It DEMANDED I slow…

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Sunday Update: Late

When you fall off a horse, the regional wisdom is to get right back on it and ride. Well, I fell off the horse these past two weeks.  Actually, the horse bucked me right off and chased me around the field for a long time.  Damn horse. We put my mom into a nursing home…

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Sunday Update: Habit

It’s good to have habits.  I have my faux TRX straps hanging on my front door.  I do pushups and pullups twice a day, for a couple of minutes each, just by habit.  I go to Tuesday training with Leah, by habit.  I do squats in the shower, by habit.  While washing dishes, I do…

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