Monday I did some last minute Christmas shopping which involved a ton of walking.
Tuesday I tried to stop coughing (the medicine is working).
Wednesday I worked, drove to Hampton and picked up my mom (involves gymnastics to get her walker in and out of the car), went to my nieces and played with the kids. Then we went to Church for Christmas Eve program and back to my nieces for dinner. Chili was on the menu!
Thursday my friend Mel and I packed up 85 years of history in my mother’s upstairs north bedroom. This involved running up and downstairs with boxes, filling 50 bags of garbage and carrying it out to my brother’s truck. Friday through Sunday was spent packing up the rest of the house. My mom now lives in a nursing home and we are selling her house to help pay for it.
Did I participate in traditional exercise? No. But you can bet I certainly did exercise, a lot. There’s no longer a stove at my mom’s house where I’ve stayed for 4 days – so no cooking. However, my nieces and sister in law made me healthy meals. Mom and I went out to eat once, and we tried the grilled chicken at Whiskey Creek – awesome!
Where am I going with this blog post? It’s the end of the year and I’m working on ways to incorporate exercise and better eating habits into my routine. It won’t work if I can’t do it during the course of my day. I’ve also been looking at eliminating sugar from my diet. I’ll be sharing info in the coming weeks about sugar and how it’s working for me to stop eating it. I know I feel better if I eat better and exercise more.
For now, that’s what I’m working on. Routine movement, better eating habits and living a happy life.