
Jeff Foxworthy on Iowa

My friend (from Iowa, like me) sent me this.  If you don’t find it funny – oh well, I’m cracking up!   Jeff Foxworthy on Iowa: If your local Dairy Queen is closed from November through March, you might live in Iowa. If someone in a store offers you assistance & they don’t work there,…

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Be Your Own Community Manager

Several large companies have started hiring Community Managers. My friend Keith Burtis is a community manager for Best Buy Remix. Keith got me to thinking about how we are all really our own community manager. If you have your own business, you are the owner and responsible for how your experience on the web benefits…

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Keith Burtis – Best Buy Remix

Interview with Keith Burtis – Community manager for Best Buy Remix Hi Keith, what is it that you do most often in your job as community manager? We usually handle tasks that are timely and need paying attention to quickly. Most companies are very involved with day to day activities internally and don’t have time to…

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The Power of a Dream

The Power of a Dream Growing up we all had dreams. I wanted to write poetry and be famous. My brother was going to be a racecar driver. Then when we went to college – our dreams changed. I would be a teacher of poetry. My brother was going to be an engineer. When we…

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Save A Life

Have you given blood?  Why not?  Do you know one pint of blood saves three lifes (and families)? Manic Mommy is hosting her second annual Virtual Blood Drive.  Donate anytime between now and February 28, 2009; email a pic of you donating blood to  Inspirational stories and photos will be posted every Sunday.  Be…

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Friday morning I started the mindmapping process.  I was going to have three goals (see bottom of pic): zero debt, healthy, Sr. Director in my business. I started with Healthy.  Drew a cool pic at the middle bottom of the page.  Then I thought about what I had to do to get healthy.  I came…

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Done While Having Fun

Lots of talk about doing instead of talking. I’m on the doing side of the conversation. Here’s what I’m doing this weekend. Mindmapping with Cruzanne (results on tomorrows blog). Launch training Saturday in Chicago for my company. New products, new horizons presentation by Eddie Bestosa – one of the best in the network marketing industry.…

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The First Day of the Year

What are you doing today?   I’m at Cruzanne’s house – creating what my year will look like.   We are starting with a glass of limoncello.  Then going to make a MINDMAP.  I want to create one for how to use Twitter to further my business.    I’ve got a lot of projects this…

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Lessons, Resume, Reflections

A Couple of Valuable Lessons Learned My 10 year old grandson just asked “is anybody hungry?”.  And then he offered to make me a bologna, cheese and butter sandwich!  Lesson: eat when you are hungry “Aunt Deby, just be quiet and listen.” my four year old great nephew when I was asking him what was…

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2 Things To Do in 2009

Chris Brogan wrote a post about 12 things to stop doing in 2009. He also listed six things to do in 2009. I’ve got two things for you to do. Let’s be positive. It’s great advice to talk about what you want, not about what you don’t want. If you need some direction along that…

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