Friday Odds and Ends
World Nutella Day was yesterday. I first had Nutella in Athens Greece – went to a place that made crepes. That’s it – just crepes. Nutella is a combination of chocolate and hazelnut – put in a spread. You’ve got to try it. You can find it by the peanut butter in the grocery store.…
How Local Were You Today?
What a great day! Made a lot of business calls early in the day. Set up appointments, left messages, moved my business forward. Worked on the grant for the Old Stone House (Historical Society). Wrote an article for the Hampton Today Who Knew Newspaper. Planned a tweet up in Mason City with Daniel Cline.…
Mason City Tweet Up
Twitter is a social media program I utilize each day. I meet lots of great people and enjoy conversations. There are a couple of people in Northern Iowa that I talk to (and listen to). @danielcline, @dixiebrown, @bizownersonline – just to name a few. Dan Cline and I have met before – and we…
What I’ve Learned About Social Media
What I’ve Learned About Social Media Determine what Web 2.0 means. Let’s back up – Web 1.0 was basically providing information for your reader. Bump that up and what do you have? Having a conversation with your reader! Do you do that? Does your blog and/or website make the reader feel he/she has input? Or…
Towns End Winery
Local Winery – FINALLY! Vern and Judy Harper are the owners of Towns End Winery in Hampton. There is some discussion about the name. Vern says it is Townsend Winery and Judy says it is Towns End. Townsend is a family name. And the actually winery in Hansell is on the towns end. Some day…
Why Watkins?
Watkins in the Neighborhood! Tell us a little about yourself. My name is Denise Passehl. I have lived on a farm near Latimer since 1982 with my husband Gordon. I have a son Brandon who is 32 years old. I have twin grandchildren that will be 3 years old in March. Along with my 3…
Think Local
If we are to survive as a small community, we have to think local. I recently got picked up by the Des Moines Register to be on their business blog widget. It’s a great honor and I am proud to participate. So it got me to thinking, what is it I do that people…
Twitter Flute Players
Why are flute players better? We know how to hold our breath for a long time. We know how to wait for the right time to make an entrance. We know practice really does make perfect. We know to get to point Z you start at point A. We listen better. We are more patient…
What Books Are You Reading?
What Books Are You Reading? I’m a bit of a book nut. Well, probably more than a bit. Here’s where I am reading and what I am reading. In the bathroom: My One Hundred Adventures by Polly Horvath. It’s a kids book, well – preteen. It starts out “All summers take me back to the…
Theory About ADD/ADHD
Simply put ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) shows up as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. These activities occur consistently and over a period of time. Remember, I said that was the simple explanation. It seems diagnosis is not so hard – the difficulty often comes in determining where it came from – what the original cause…