Twitter Monday Updates
Twitter is a social media application found at Here’s a few tips to follow and a brief listing of some things I’ve learned on one day. Twitter Tips: #followfriday this is where you recommend people to follow and put #followfriday at the end of the twit — PLEASE tell us why we should follow…
Ayn Rand for a Sunday
In the name of the best within you, do not sacrifice this world to those who are its worst. In the name of the values that keep you alive, do not let your vision of man be distorted by the ugly, the cowardly, the mindless in those who have never achieved his title. Do not…
Now What?
I’ve reached the end of the rope. I need some advice. Now what? Where do YOU go when you can’t stand where you’re at any longer? What do YOU read to get going – to keep going after that dream? What do YOU do to get it together and get over yourself? picture by emdot…
Stop The Silence
I’m asked to support a lot of causes. That’s what happens when you participate in your community. Some causes are good ones. Other’s don’t really interest me. Today I was asked by Sarah Robinson to support the 12 for 12k Stop The Silence Cause. I said yes. I know Sarah from my twitter friends. She…
Fountain of Life
I went to a chiropractric physician today. I met her at the HyVee. She was at the HyVee yesterday with this machine. It was a laptop with electrodes that measured the energy in your spinal column. She tested my c3, c5 and c7 vertabrae – and found they were out of whack (which I happen…
A Review: Homestead Suites
We are staying at Homestead Studio Suites at 9701 N. Shannon Avenue in Kansas City. 65 degrees in Kansas City today. Rain predicted, the sun shined the whole way here from Des Moines. I chose this hotel because we stayed at a Homestead Studio Suites near Chattanooga a couple of years ago and loved it.…
Independent Book Stores
Our local independent book stores need your help. Buy books from them. There, that’s simple. Where to find the independent book store closest to you: Why buy from independent book stores? They are your neighbors and your friends. The money you spend with them, they spend in the community. They hire people like…
Life as a Theme
See a theme? Movies I Really Like: Breakfast Club – high school kids from all different social strata on detention. They find out they have more in common than they thought. Took a little conversation to make that realization happen. Little Big Man – Jack Crabb is 100 years old. He tells his story: captured…
Dream Board
My friend sent me a card with this quote from Carol Shields on it: Go for long walks indulge in hot baths question your assumptions be kind to yourself live for the moment loosen up scream curse the world count your blessings just let go let be. I have it on my dream board. …
Comfort Zones
I have a cat that sits in the bathtub. Stutzbearcat likes the bathtub. Can’t find him? He’s in the tub. No water – just chillin’ out in the bathtub. That’s his comfort zone. When he was a baby, he’d come into the bathroom and my husband, the bathtub guy,would rub him. Now Stutz waits for…