Wish List
I love to read. At any given time I have three books I’m reading. I thought I’d write today about my wish list. The books I want. Network Your Way to Millions by Russ Paley Russ is a leader and maniac in our company. He reminds me of the Gary Vaynerchuk of Melaleuca. He just…
Sunday Morning Musing
I live in a county of 10,000 people. I like it here. I had lived in Chicago and enjoyed it there too. Home is still Geneva Iowa though. I have fun visiting Chicago and love the restaurants, and friends and museums and coffee everywhere. But there is something to be said for the quiet mornings,…
I Worked In An Adult Bar – Lessons Learned
Image by Bashed via Flickr I must have embarassed myself a lot as a kid, because I don’t remember being so embarassed as an adult. That’s not to say I don’t remember doing stupid things. I do them on a pretty regular basis. My friend Clemmie would say “it’s all a part of growing up…
Many Hands Make Light Work
At 3 pm today I went to Pleasant Hill over at the Franklin County Fairgrounds. We had to clean the buildings and move all the old machinery to Grandpa’s Farm. There was a fear that not very many people would show up. There were over 50 people there! At least 20 of them were under…
Diane Birch – Must Have Music
Diane Birch looks about fifteen. She is in her twenties. She sings like she’s in her fifties. The music from her cd Bible Belt runs in the background at my home office. Just about every day. It’s rock, gospel, blues, country – all rolled into the music that is Diane Birch. She’s got a voice…
Conversation With The Competition
Brad Hicks is the Publisher of the Hampton Chronicle, one of the papers falls under the Mid America Publishing banner I love small town living! I got the opportunity to interview Brad for our paper and am very happy to report he is a big supporter of Hampton! Enjoy the read. Where are you from?…
Surgery Done, Searching Beginning
Dad’s foot surgery went very well. The $750 medicine worked, and he has not had any strokes. Bleeding was minimal. We are waiting on all of the local anesthetic to wear off to determine how his walking will be affected. The doctor says his foot should feel much better – the ingrown toenail was really…
Why We Need Better Health Care Coverage
My father has a heart that works at 20% and that is only because his medicine makes that happen. He’s got Alzheimer’s. He has diabetes 2. He uses a walker to get around. All of his life he was a farmer. He worked 200 acres, fed his family and paid his social security, medicare and…
The Invitation
The Invitation It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living.I want to know what you ache forand if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are.I want to know if you will risk looking like a foolfor lovefor your dreamfor the adventure of being…
Course of Action
I wrote yesterday about the dilemma of giving it away for free. Social media is an interesting medium. It’s very easy to get drawn into, spend all your time tweeting or on facebook or linked in. Next thing you know the day is about done. I admire people like Chris Brogan who appear to be…