Take Care of Yourself First: Day 12

This is my great niece Natalie. She hands out smiles to anyone who wants one. She relies on me and trusts me. It’s my sacred duty to take care of her and be the greatest great aunt in the world. To that end, I make a solemn oath to take care of myself first.  I…

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The Venue is Selected…

Kansas City is a lovely city. There are lots of things to do, great places to stay and wonderful people.  What was our problem then?  It’s still a city. We are having a conference for small businesses in the middle states of the US to learn how to use social media.   We want to make…

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Wake Up Everybody

Image by p373 via Flickr I went through my 20’s in the 70’s.  We caught the tail end of the Vietnam War, the very very last of the hippies and all of the disco songs.  It was a glorious decade to be young and stupid. One song stands out in my mind today from that…

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Does it really take a commitment?

I got asked again today.  “Is that social media really working for you? ” Then she said “Well, teach me so I can get more clients too.  What are you doing?” In this age of immediate gratification, she expected a five minute answer that would solve her problems. It appears her biggest problem is she…

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Debworks Has Grown

Exciting news! I spent last year defining, revising, and creating my company Debworks.  If you take a look at the About Me page you’ll see some of the things I’ve done. This year is all about you.  Debworks is committed to helping you grow.  We’ll be creating events for you to attend.  We’ll show you…

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A Year In Review

Here’s some of my favorite posts from my first year in blogging. Network Marketing Three Words for 2010 Month 0 of the year 2010 3 Things a Good Network Marketer Will do Are You Talking About What Your Customers Want to Hear? Interviews Justin Levy Who Are You Talking To? Becky McCray Keith Burtis Wood…

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Us or Them

You’re either one of us or one of them. Here’s a true story that happened to me. Erin, Bill and I went to breakfast at IHOP in Orlando. The restaurant was attached to the hotel we were staying in. We love IHOP in Chicago. They pride themselves on quick, efficient service and brilliant waitstaff. I…

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Losing my religion for equality

Image via Wikipedia I came across the following article on a Neal Donald Walsh email newsletter. I believe this point of view needs to spread about. Losing My Religion for Equality by Jimmy CarterJuly 15, 2009 Women and girls have been discriminated against for too long in a twisted interpretation of the word of God.…

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Do You Need a Sign?

Image via Wikipedia Of course you do. Even the smart folks at the Small Business Administration (SBA) think so. They call your retail identification sign a silent salesman, advertising your business day and night. But what if you have a home-based business out in the country, or feel that people are driving to the big…

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You’re creating everything. What’s your story?

Image via Wikipedia One of the principles of Feng Shui is that everything is connected ….and the Law of Attraction tells us we create our own reality.If you wanted proof, quantum physicists have now proved the observer changes what is observed. Which means the very act of you observing something changes it and you’re creating…

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