Miss Dazey Comes to Iowa
I know lots of people online. Thousands. Out of all of them, @Miss_Dazey is the one person I thought I’d never meet. She lives in Missouri and spends a lot of time sleeping. Her health requires it. Linda (Miss Dazey) doesn’t travel much, and when she does its to see Jeanne Robertson or her…
DeWitt Iowa
Saturday Mom and I went to breakfast at the Sunrise Cafe. Upon entering we saw a table full of Red Hats and knew we were in a place with good food. Red Hat ladies often know how to cook good food, and I trust their judgement in the places they choose to eat at.…
Pinterest Ideas (Day Two)
Pinterest Source: revolverindy.com via Holly Ledingham on Pinterest Pinterest Source: tumblr.com via Sande on Pinterest
The 9 Skills Every Woman Should Master
Christine Kane is our guest blogger today – and one of our favorites! There’s a popular Esquire Magazine article called “75 Skills Every Man Should Master.” There’s stuff about baseball, neckties, and other things that most of theextraordinary men in my life could care the least about. It got me thinking about the happiest, coolest, most…
AJ Week
My grandson has been at my house for the whole month of July. He goes home to Chicago on Friday. This week, I’ll be enjoying his company as much as possible. We have lots of swimming, animal petting, visiting cousins and having fun to do. Yes, I still have work to do in between all…
We are called to witness. Yes, as Christians, we are called to witness. Whoa! Where is this post heading? I know – hard to believe that I’m talking about witnessing. Yet, here I am doing it. I woke up thinking “today I GET to go to church!” That made me smile when I think of…
Don Jose Game Farm
I have the pleasure of working with Rafael from Don Jose Game Farm. He’s a local guy and wanted to some helping building a website. Below see a short short video (isn’t he cute?) — we are building www.donjosegamefarm.com Remember, these birds are NOT being used for fighting! Rafael
Bright Shiny Things
What keeps me coming back to the internet? It’s not the emails – most are related to work. Although, work is joyous for me. It’s not facebook. Although, I do have a good time on facebook and get all the local news I need. It’s not twitter. Although, I so love talking to my friends…
Two conferences in the Midwest
Still not sure what you can do with social media for your business? Attend a conference in the Midwest – and hear what people have to say who are already using it for business. There’s two coming up in September. Choose one. http://smalltown2011.140conf.com/ Hutchinson Kansas is having their second Small Town 140 Character Conference. A…