
Top 10 Aging Tips

Chamber member Mona Kitt Everson of Life and Health Care Inc. shared these tips on her page today.  We are happy to have her guest post today!  We all hopefully will be given the gift to age and be blessed to be with our families. Aging is not to be feared. In being a RN…

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Downstaters – Just for you!

Thank you for watching my presentation on marketing and branding today! Oh, wait, for my blogging audience … I was in Urbana, Illinois for the Illinois Economic Development Summit today and presented on marketing and branding strategies that included working case studies, ideas your community can pursue and how to use the internet and social…

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Are you a role model?

My friend Alicia, the Spashionista, lives in Nashville.   She blogged about being a roll model today and I asked her I could share that post here.  As part of my desire to bring you a better picture of modern Nashville style I was really looking forward to the grand opening of a new boutique…

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A Message from the Rural Midwest

Because of misunderstandings that frequently develop when Easterners and Californians cross the 12 Midwestern States (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin) the Tourism Councils in those states have adopted a new policy. In an effort to help outsiders understand the rural Midwesterner’s mind, the following list…

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Do You Have A Happy Spot?

It’s a good practice to surround yourself with little pieces of beauty. You’ve heard of giving yourself little motivational talks, or posting a saying to the mirror and speaking it out loud each day.  Those things work, when you remember to do them. I‘m suggesting you place items you love within eyesight of where you…

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Chamber begins small business incubator project

Jim Krajewski, reporter at the Freeman Journal, broke the news that we have begun an incubator project.  With his permission, we are reprinting the article here.  Thanks Jim!  A new project aims to help individuals open small businesses in Webster City. The Webster City Incubator Project, sponsored by the Webster City Chamber of Commerce and…

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5 Marketing Blunders to Avoid in Your Business

“I want more clients! I’m doing all the right things! How come I don’t have enough clients?”  If you’ve ever uttered these words (or even thought them), you might be tempted to wonder if you’re any good at what you do. Or maybe you doubt if you’re even cut out for business. Most likely, however,…

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Step Away from the Technology

Are you spending time away from unresponsive technology? Or are you stuck on Facebook looking at statuses, commenting on friends posts, tweeting out your business updates and talking in 140 word snatches to people you call friends but have never met?  It’s pretty easy to do all of that for many hours each day.  I…

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The Power of a Conference or .. Are You a Misfit?

I attended the Misfit Conference over my birthday weekend June 1.  There I met a wonderful group of people.  Some I already knew like Nelson deWitt and Melissa and AJ Leon.  Others I knew online like Pam Slim and Justin Levy.  Some I had heard of like Julia Roy and David Baeza.  There were around…

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Six Steps to A Social Media Plan

Yesterday I stumbled across creativeLIVE broadcast online and caught the Social Media Bootcamp.  I found it because Amber Naslund sent an email with the link encouraging readers to listen to her session on Wednesday (that’s tomorrow). I tuned in, listening in the background while I worked.  It’s free to watch it live.  Ariel Hyatt of…

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