
What really matters?

My mother was born in 1929 – when the stock market crashed, when food was more valuable than most other things, when life was hard.  When Christmas came one year (she was little and can’t remember the year) all she got was this little bear.  Her brother Paul got a small truck.  That was it.…

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Sunday Update: Vacation

I’m on vacation. Friday I wandered three airports and got in 10,000 steps. Saturday I played in the pool at Tanglewood, NC — great park too.  Hung out in the lazy river. Today we are driving to Philly and hanging out with Gigi and her kids. Tuesday we are walking the boardwalk all day. Pretty…

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Suspended Coffees

John Sweeney knows what it’s like to be down and out.  He’s been misjudged since his early years, bullied by students and teachers alike.  Told he’d never amount to anything and the best he could hope to be was a plumber.  Yet John knew since he was little he’d figure out a way to make…

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RAGBRAI Rides Through Webster City on Tuesday

Things to do during RAGBRAI when you’re in Webster City … Flipgrid (you can do this right now from wherever you are!)  Flipgrid is an online application currently being used by design teams, in religious settings, in online research projects, at businesses and government offices for collaboration, at weddings, by architects, and in numerous community…

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Sunday Update: Things Hurt

Aging is a powerful thing.  What you used to do easily, now requires forethought and preparation. Think ‘staying out all night and going to work in the morning’.  Thing ‘walking miles without have built up your body to doing so.’ The second one is my complaint today.  We had an event yesterday and I was…

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Marketing to Millenials

The Better Business Bureau has shared this article with us.  It’s brief, concise and to the point.   Tips for Marketing To Millennials The Millennial Generation is now as large, if not larger, than the Baby Boomers. They are a popular target for advertisers and marketers, but what is important to this age group born…

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dot what?

They’re called gTLDs — that i generic Top Level Domains.  Now you no longer need to be a .com or .net or .org.  You can choose an extension that makes sense for your business. There are over 810 extensions now available, and don’t pay to get the list or sign up for a newsletter/email list/etc.…

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The Enchanted Highway

Gary Greff because the process of building the world’s largest sculptures in 1989.  He came home to Regent, ND to save his community.  Gary had no idea how to do that but then thought “what if I create something that everyone will remember?”  That’s what he did – built 7 sculptures made of scrap metal…

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Sunday Update: Water

This week my focus has been on consuming 72 ounces of water.  I met with my dietitian and the first thing she said was to consume more water.  (She said more than that, but I’ll update next week on what she suggests.) It’s more than you think.  It’s also doable.  By today I’m consuming 72…

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Sunday Update: Making a Choice

Oh where to start? Dr report: viral gastroenteritis, no food poisoning.  So, some bug caught me and decided to empty out my guts and make me feel bad for about a week. my voice:  could be acid reflux, trying Prilosec for a week and see if it will come back (it hasn’t yet, and it’s…

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