
I Have This Notebook of Lists

So I have this notebook that sits to the left of my computer (I am left handed). I write down lists. Work lists. Blog lists. Political Lists. Home lists. This week lists. Next week lists. And I can’t turn the page until my lists are cleared up. Each list has something I have to do…

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Who Is Chris Brogan? And What Is Social Media?

I met Chris Brogan on – which is a website you microblog on. Chris Brogan is a ten year veteran of using social media and technology to build digital relationships for businesses, organizations, and individuals. Chris speaks, blogs, writes articles, and makes media of all kinds at, a blog in the top 20…

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Why shop local?

Why shop local? The most obvious reason is to keep dollars in your local community. Your shopping can help keep someone else’s business stay open. I live in a county of just over 10,000 people. Our local stores here are having a hard go of it. Wal-Mart has painted the image that their products are…

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Good morning

Good morning all! I was working on my personal website this weekend and was pretty amazed at how much content I actually have on it. I love to travel and would make my living doing it – if I could. Cats, husband, job, old parents – all things that stop me from doing so. At…

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