
How Are You Affected by Environmental Stress?

20 years ago we, the average consumer, had no clue that our environment could stress our bodies. This stress might seem like no big deal, but it puts small amounts of stress hormones into our blood stream. This accumulates. Then when a big stress in your life occurs, it’s just like dominoes – they all…

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Keith Burtis, wood turner

Hi Keith! Tell me a little about yourself. My name is Keith Burtis. I reside in Snyder NY, a small suburb just outside of Buffalo. I was born and raised in this area, in fact I live in the house that my father was raised in by my grandparents. I am 34 years old, a…

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Angels All Around Us

Samantha is a beautiful dog. She is part lab and part cocker (we think). Samantha is also very sick. Let me tell you her story. Samantha’s owner is not a nice person. It’s not that she beat Sammie – she just didn’t pay her any attention. She let her nails grow too long and she…

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A Life Story

I spent 8 hours in the car with my Mom, Dad and computer.  Mom drove, Dad talked and I typed.  It was the perfect opportunity to hear some of the stories of my Dad’s life and get them on paper.  I am a historian at heart, and getting the down the stories is my job.…

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November – Pet Cancer Awareness Month

One in four dogs die of cancer. It’s the number one disease related death in pets and cancer accounts for almost half the deaths of pets over 10 years of age. Dogs get cancer at about the same rate as humans, while cats get fewer cancers. American Veterinarian Medical Association’s 10 Warning Signs of Canine…

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Child As The Caregiver

Who ever thought I’d be the one taking care of my parents? I know I didn’t think so. Yet, here I am – in my 50’s and I’m the mom now. My dad has a bad heart, it only works at 20%. On top of that he is in the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s. My…

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Today I went to a memorial service. Doug was 57 when he died, he had adult children and several grand babies. He was known as Papa. Doug was 5 years older than me and died of cancer. He lost a lot of blood, too much, and in the end – the chemo that was supposed…

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I Have This Notebook of Lists

So I have this notebook that sits to the left of my computer (I am left handed). I write down lists. Work lists. Blog lists. Political Lists. Home lists. This week lists. Next week lists. And I can’t turn the page until my lists are cleared up. Each list has something I have to do…

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Who Is Chris Brogan? And What Is Social Media?

I met Chris Brogan on – which is a website you microblog on. Chris Brogan is a ten year veteran of using social media and technology to build digital relationships for businesses, organizations, and individuals. Chris speaks, blogs, writes articles, and makes media of all kinds at, a blog in the top 20…

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Why shop local?

Why shop local? The most obvious reason is to keep dollars in your local community. Your shopping can help keep someone else’s business stay open. I live in a county of just over 10,000 people. Our local stores here are having a hard go of it. Wal-Mart has painted the image that their products are…

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