I’m told its important to write an about me page. I get that. And I did that. I gave out a little information and frankly, I don’t know what kind of difference it made. You see, I’m under the impression that social media is, well, social. A five sentence paragraph doesn’t really tell me about anyone. I find out they like to read, blog and live in New Jersey. That could be except I live in Iowa.
Today I’m going to write some things about me. I’ll reference this blog in my about me page – so those who want to know me better, can. I’ll leave the five sentences there – and ramble on some here!
I’m married 18 years, two stepsons, five grandkids and a husband. My husband and I live on a farm in Iowa, except my husband is in Chicago working a lot. That’s not so bad – our kids and grandkids are there and my wonderful mother in law.
My folks live out here in Iowa – and are older and need me around. I run errands, interpret legal paperwork, give advice (sometimes even wanted advice) and take them to doctors appointments.
I have the kind of job that allows me flexibility to help my parents. I can do my job anywhere – which means I get to Chicago a lot to see my kids and grandkids (and hubby!). I am a marketing executive for Melaleuca. I set up accounts for everyday people like you and me. Now don’t jump to conclusions – I don’t have a garage full of products I’m trying to sell. I don’t collect money. I don’t send bills. I don’t deliver products. There are businesses out there like that, some good – some not so good.
My company makes over 400 non-toxic products for your health and home. My job is to introduce people to the company, show them how to simply switch stores and save time and money. Not hard, and definitely rewarding. I believe in Green, and this is just another simple green way to change your life.
I also write. All the time. I’m working on a book, The Hampton Project. I’m interviewing residents of one town and creating a picture of what small town middle America is REALLY like. There are a lot of misconceptions about rural life and I think this exposure to the residents of my town (and history woven into it) will help clear some of those misconceptions up.
I am the editor for Hampton Today – Who Knew? Daily newsletter in Franklin County Iowa. I track all the events in the county for our calendar. I interview local businesses. I interview people who can support our local businesses. My friend Keri and I decided we needed to drive shopping to our local town, instead of the big box stores. We started our paper a year ago and it is more successful than we could have believed! I write many stories every week!
I help my team at work by developing training materials, and then putting them on our training website. I am blessed to work with one of the best teams in our business – and am learning so much! In order to write training materials, I need to be trained – do the work – then write the materials! Great way to grow a business, let me tell you.
I hand write letters, notes and cards and mail them. To friends, family, people I meet.. I believe in the power of the written word. I like to receive a hand written note and I like to send them. I look for old cards and note pads at yard sales, consignment stores, Goodwill and Salvation Army.
I read a lot. My friend Keri has a bookstore, http://www.ourfocusisyou.com/ , and I believe in shopping local. I get a lot of great books from my local independent bookstore! I love reading historical fiction to relax. Check out any book by Diana Gabaldon. I also like books written for women going through a change in life. Elizabeth Berg is a particularly great author. I like the entire Conversations with God series by Neal Donald Walsh. Dan Millman will always be a favorite author. Then there’s Dean Koontz – his latest I read was The Darkest Evening of the Year – if you have a dog, read that book. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life by Barbara Kingsolver ought to be required reading for every American.
I am a local history buff. I have a lot to learn. I am a supporter of the Franklin County Historical Society. I am actively involved with The Old Stone House here in Geneva. It was built in 1854 and was the first stone house between middle Iowa and the Mississippi River. Leander Reeves built it for his wife, she moved into the house, lived there 3 years and went back to Ohio. I’m helping write a grant (more writing) for improvements to the building.
I absolutely love to travel. If I could, I’d live somewhere different every month. I’m a traveler – not a tourist. I believe you have to stay somewhere at least 3 weeks and interact with the locals. Be a part of the community. I’ve been to my favorite Greek Island – Antiparos – three times. http://www.travelwoman.com/ is my personal website with lots of travel pictures on it. Greece was probably my home is a previous lifetime – I love it so much. I’ve been to Scotland, Rome, and London. My next short trip (just 2 weeks) will be to Paris. I hope to get there this summer. November 2010 I will spend in Machu Picchu and the Galapagos. I’m involved in a training program to get in shape to make that trip.
I spend hours and hours each day online. I love twitter and have found many avenues of interest from other people putting up links to visit. I’m learning how to use the internet both for my business and for my writing.
I don’t really like winter. If it would stay around 30-40 degrees I’d be okay. But it doesn’t. And it snows, a lot, here in Iowa. As a kid I liked winter just fine. We sledded, played in the snow, chased the dog – we were always outside. Maybe once I’m in better shape (physically and financially) I’ll like winter better. I’ll let you know.
I believe in the Golden Rule. I think you should have a driving desire to help others – it makes your own life so much larger when you do.
I could use more money. Soon my business will be generating enough income so that I can write more, travel more, help more people. Soon means, to me, within this year or next year!
There’s a lot more I could write about – music, friends, family, dreams. Why not get to know me a little better and we will talk more?
http://www.debthinksgreen.com/ How toxic is your home?
http://www.debrareneebrown.com/ Interested in working from home?
http://www.ourfocusisyou.com/ Support a local independent bookstore
http://www.chrisbrogan.com/ My introduction to social media came from Chris.
http://www.thecasualgardener.com/ What a great lady!
http://www.magicwoodworks.com/ check out Keith Burtis’ work and blog
http://www.debthinksgreen.com/ How toxic is your home?
http://www.debrareneebrown.com/ Interested in working from home?
http://www.ourfocusisyou.com/ Support a local independent bookstore
http://www.chrisbrogan.com/ My introduction to social media came from Chris.
http://www.thecasualgardener.com/ What a great lady!
http://www.magicwoodworks.com/ check out Keith Burtis’ work and blog
Posted in Marketing, network marketing
Deb. This is a great post! I think more people should do it. If you read the “How to write an about page” on Pro Blogger. They just tell you to be sweet and to the point. Basically the focus is on business only! Well, I don’t know about you, but I am not my business. I have many more facets than just a professional woodturner! This is amazing and inspiring. I understand the need to be brief for the sake of business, but people connect with humans, not ABOUT ME pages.
Well written. You are lovely soul!
Thanks Keith – I agree with you – if we’re going to do social media, let’s do it! You and I are lucky in that we are in businesses that mean something to us. And letting people get to know us – well, that’s important.
As always – I love you man!
Thank you so much for the mention in your blog – I really enjoyed learning more about you… 🙂 Interesting people do not move to small towns – they ARE small town. 🙂
You are welcome – and you help make a difference in small town America!