Tweet Up Grand Rapids
A tweet up is a wonderful thing. I learn so much! Tonight I met with @kellywissink and we talked non-stop for 2 hours! Kelly works from home ( for her blog), homeschools her 3 children and has a husband that is really into squidoo! We talked a lot about social media – what works for us,…
2 of 100
I wanted to be like 7 of 9. Automated, know the answers, perform without fear. Then I thought about it. Life is not like that. Life is messy. People change their minds. People let you down (and pick you up). You say one thing and half way through that thing you wonder if you can…
Justin Levy
Justin Levy of New Marketing Labs sparked my interest when I found him on twitter. Justin is a partner in a restaurant and their website made me hungry! He’s done some incredible marketing things and I knew I had to interview him. It’s a long interview and I promise you’ll see some things in it…
My 100
Becky McCray threw down a challenge for me. Here’s the note she sent: I know you didn’t ask for one (a challenge), but I have one anyway. What is your 100? I’m doing Small Biz 100, a series that will add up to 100 posts on small business basics. I stole the idea from Chris Brogan and his Social…
How Good Are Your Grapes?
Last month CBS 60 Minutes featured a report on the benefits of resveratol. It may slow or reverse aging! You can view the entire report by clicking here If you are involved with a business that promotes health, you need to know this information! If you take grape extract products, you should be aware of it as…
Staples: that was easy.
I had to buy a router today. It’s to put in my mom’s house. She has DSL and a very old computer. I have satellite and a brand new laptop. It will be great to work from her house. Faster speed and mom and dad are happy to have me there. They’ve both promised to…
Blog It Earn It Discount: SOBCon 2009
SOBCon09 will be in Chicago this year, from May 1 to May 3. Full price for the three days is $795. I just mentioned to Becky McCray that that price is out of my budget. Ask and you shall receive! They just announced a discount of $200. See the information here. You’ll have to read…
The Old Stone House
Have you ever had an idea and then met with friends and started brainstorming that idea? I did that this month. The Old Stone House, located 2 miles West of Geneva, was the first stone house built in Franklin County Iowa. Leander Reeve took the train and coach to Dubuque and WALKED the rest of…
Be Irrational
Let’s talk about irrational customers, or possible irrational customers. Seth Godin blogs everyday and his blog Tuesday talks about the irrational customer. Seth prefers that his readers not leave comments, but take his idea and expand it on their own blogs. You can have the greatest product in the world. That product would be…
John Meadows, Podcaster
John Meadows is a podcaster from Toronto. I met him through our mutual friend Keith Burtis. He has a live podcast show called On The Log. I had the honor of being interviewed for Episode 51. You can find John on twitter at @johnmeadows. You can also find John this weekend at Podcamp Toronto. Here’s…