I wanted to be like 7 of 9. Automated, know the answers, perform without fear. Then I thought about it.
Life is not like that. Life is messy. People change their minds. People let you down (and pick you up). You say one thing and half way through that thing you wonder if you can do it. Life is harder than it looks.
I had the pleasure of interviewing people like Chris Brogan, Becky McCray, Keith Burtis, Shawna Coronado and Justin Levy. Each of them challenge me to look at what I want a little differently.
Chris taught me to extend everything I do into the web world.
Keith showed me persistence and consistency pays off – stay at it, follow the dream and it will happen.
Shawna believes in taking baby steps and celebrating along the way.
Becky has held my hand along the way – asking me to look at publishing a blog to position myself as an expert, offering up a challenge to figure out what my 100 is. She gently pushes me!
And Justin Levy – he just opened up the door to his brain and answered my questions and has caused me to REALLY look at what I want and how I’m going to get there.
There’s an old saying that says you need to surround yourself with people smarter than you. That way you stretch and join their ranks. I’ve been fortunate enough to do that with my twitter friends.
Now – I’m looking hard at what it is I want. I don’t think I’ll truly be able to talk about my 100 until I’ve done that.
Here’s what I know.
1. I love to write and interview people. I get into the research – and asking the right questions.
2. I love working from home – and have gotten great advice from those in my industry.
3. I own www.debworks.com and www.needalittleadvice.com
4. Keith is going to help me convert to wordpress.
5. I’m going to SOBCon in May.
6. I have a tweet up tomorrow in Grand Rapids (wonder who I’ll meet new there?)
7. Gary Vaynerchuk is THE MAN.
8. Social media – I’m sinking my teeth into it. Determining what is working for me and what is not.
9. Not everyone agrees with me.
10. I like creating good content.
I talked about doing my 100 on working from home. I don’t know about that anymore. I have a thought about doing something else. This week I’ll be taking advice from several sources, writing about it, mindmapping – and making a decision on March 1.
There’s a lesson to learn here. Sometimes it’s important to take your time and make a decision. I mean, it’s my life – after all.
Posted in 100 series, Series