- Image by niclindh via Flickr
What if we gave more than we get? Customer service would mean something then. Where do I shop? At the stores that greet me when I walk in the door. I shop where the staff offers me assistance, maybe points out something new – and then leaves me alone to shop. I just want to be noticed – and who doesn’t?
What if we listened to what people are saying? I was at my church yesterday helping set up some things. I noticed that the staff who cleans had bought all of these horrible toxic products. We use Melaleuca at the church – and the cupboards still had great products in them. At first, I got mad. Why were they spending good money on bad products when we had GREAT products for them to use? Then I listened to what they were saying. They wanted to use the products they knew about. My job is to inform them of how to use the better Melaleuca products. I’ve printed out a cheat sheet for them – and will have a conversation this week with the crew. Maybe they don’t know that those dollar store, cheap products are in the long run very expensive – and that they can make you very sick.
What if we made our intention every morning upon waking to have a great day? So simple – just wake up and say “today is a great day!” All day look for good things to happen. Share some joy. Wish those in a bad mood well – then get out of their way. The Bible says “today is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Works for me.
Hi Deb, I came here on the recommendation of SuzeMuse. (I use Melaleuca products too since 2003 and realize that side of your message)
I love the What If message. It is the way I tend to live anyway but What If everyone did… helped, shared, was positive, What if…? 🙂
Hi Julie –
love Susan! Living in the world of what if is another place of possibility isn’t it?