
Seeds can be a big deal to a hungry community

Erie Kansas Library food sharing program featuring plants

Photo from Erie KS food sharing program

In Erie City, Kansas, population 1,100, the public library director, Julie Kent, shared their seed sharing program that went from just a few tomato plants and the shuttered library building, to a community-wide home gardening movement. 

The librarians gave 35 families bags of seeds, starter onions, potatoes, and tomato plants, along with planting instructions and gardening resources. Throughout the summer, participating families brought back produce to share, and not just what the library had shared with them, but also nectarines, and pears, and green peppers, corn, and squash, all free for anyone to pick up.

How could this idea be helpful in your town?

  • You can check with your local food bank and see if they take fresh food contributions.
  • Seniors love it because it provides them the kind of food they grew up gardening with.
  • Organizations can make/share/donate large planters to be placed around town.
  • Your youth can partner with gardeners and learn more about these plants, while growing them. 
  • You could donate to food banks, churches, and community centers.
  • You could have a block party and make food with these products you grew.

We gather together around food, meet new neighbors, learn from each other and enjoy the company. Food brings us together.