
Use the assets you have in your small town

People in small towns often say “there’s nothing to do here.” I beg to differ. You will be surprised by the list of assets you can come up with. Caring people, good schools, local artists are a few assets your town might have. What are other assets? natural resources – like scenic landscapes, waterfalls, rivers…

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Notes from Placemaking Conference for Small and Rural Communities

I attended Placemaking in Small and Rural Communities online conference hosted by USDA and the University of Kentucky. It was all day, and I was able to attend most of the sessions. Enjoy this article that shares the tidbits I gathered. Why attend something like this? I work in rural communities and placemaking is vital…

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The STP – holding up the world

Judy Larson is from Lemmon, South Dakota. She shared this story about the STP. I spend a lot of time with community development folks. The grumble factor often comes around to STP—Same Ten People—meaning these folks feel like they and 9 other people are Atlas, holding up the world. Or at least holding their community…

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Jackson County and Grayson KY Stories and Volunteers

“Change can be activated in a society by way of story.”  from the book Spirit Run I just returned from Jackson County, Kentucky and the small town of Grayson, Kentucky. There’s a natural beauty in those mountains and winding roads. The people were kind, helpful and want to see their towns thrive. They shared stories…

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Does Placemaking Matter?

Dr Andrew Van Leuven presented The Economics of Downtown Revitalization: Putting Some “Oomph” Behind the Numbers for the University of Wisconsin Extension Lunch and Learn Program. I watched the recording and the slide show too. Dr. Van Leuven is the Assistant Professor of Community and Rural Development at Oklahoma State University in the Department of…

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Small town ideas for Gowrie, Iowa

I attended the Chamber Dinner in Gowrie, Iowa and talked about small town ideas they could use. It was my pleasure to spend a couple of days there. This article talks about small town ideas for the community and by the community. Got empty buildings? Every small town has empty buildings and empty lots. Gowrie…

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Seeds can be a big deal to a hungry community

In Erie City, Kansas, population 1,100, the public library director, Julie Kent, shared their seed sharing program that went from just a few tomato plants and the shuttered library building, to a community-wide home gardening movement.  The librarians gave 35 families bags of seeds, starter onions, potatoes, and tomato plants, along with planting instructions and…

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Have you been foraging?

I joined a group of people in Hiller Park in Biloxi. I found them on Facebook, it was an event to go foraging and learn about plants all around us that we can eat or use.  I had no idea. Hiller Park is in a town by the ocean, has lots of trails, playground equipment…

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They put a restaurant in a roofless building

I created the Tour of Empty Buildings ten years ago, in 2013. There have been many towns that ran with the idea and host tours too. Natchez, MS, Danville, KY, Jefferson, IA, Oglesby,Il are just a few of them. The Texas Historical Commission has been hosting Imagine The Possibilities Tour in small towns state wide…

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