Talent Attraction: How do you find people to move to your town?

Talent Attraction is a new keyword. It simply means finding new people to come to your town! People are moving to small hometowns, bringing their work and young families with them. Do you know who they are? These 30–—to 44-year-olds arrive with college degrees, years of experience in the workplace, and large professional networks. Often, they…

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Can your downtown make a difference in bringing youth home?

Main Street illustration by Mars Manderico

I didn’t think about how a vibrant downtown could make a big difference to our current students. I know that involving youth in community activities like building benches, having their ideas used for events, hearing what they want, and helping them try their idea out makes a difference. Rik Adamski, the President of ASH+LIME shared…

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Blue Collar Career Fair

Creating a new workforce solution You’ve told us you’d like your kids to either stay in the community or come back after being in the world a little bit. Here’s one way to get them interested in your businesses and community. Let them experience your business. Don’t just preach at a one-day event and discuss…

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Our Young People are Leaving

In an email, the writer asked: Why are young people leaving their small towns?  What can rural communities do, or are doing, to compete?  Why are young people leaving?  Here’s just a few things people told us in The Survey of Rural Challenges about why youth are leaving:  This town experiences many of the same…

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