
What are your stories?

These silos were built by POW’s from Germany.

You can find them in Belmond, Iowa.

You know there’s a story there somewhere.  Yet, I can’t find it online anywhere.

It’s a time to look at what stories of yours are not being told to a larger population.

Get these stories in writing, before there’s no one left who remembers the stories.


  1. Jody Spear on February 27, 2012 at 1:55 am

    Wow, I love reading stories like this. I hope someone comes forward and is able to give you some answers to the mystery behind the Belmond silos construction.

  2. Deb Brown on February 27, 2012 at 2:13 pm

    Jody –
    I think someone will. 🙂 I was in Wright County this weekend and learned a lot of new things!